"American woman, stay away from me
American woman, mama let me be
Don’t come hangin’ around my door
I don’t wanna see your face no more
I got more important things to do
Than spend my time growin’ old with you
Now woman, I said stay away,
American woman, listen what I say.
American woman, get away from me
American woman, mama let me be
Don’t come knockin’ around my door
Don’t wanna see your shadow no more
Coloured lights can hypnotize
Sparkle someone else’s eyes
Now woman, I said get away
American woman, listen what I say."
- American Woman by The Guess Who
I heard an interesting thing from my friend at lunch today. She said, "I can't get a boyfriend on this campus because I am not Asian."
She didn't say it in an upset or angry way. She was merely reporting it an a very matter-of-fact way. She herself is what we call here a "ha'ole" or, to the rest of the world, Anglo-Saxon or white. She has also, apparently, seen many guys date Asian girls. I can't say she is wrong.
On this campus most everybody will date an Asian. The way it works here is one Asian will date another. A ha'ole will date another as well. A ha'ole guy will date an Asian girl. It is rarely seen the other way around. Polys either date each other or the Poly guy will date a ha'ole girl. Again it is rare for it to be the other way around - meaning a Poly girl and ha'ole guy.
I am no exception to this rule as I have only dated Asians on this campus. I know this makes me sound like one with "Asian Fever" but there is more to it. My best friend, JD, has also been labeled with it as well. I am still not convinced that he does not have it, but even if he does, I can understand why and don't condemn him.
I have been interested in ha'ole girls. Most of them never give me the satisfaction of being in their presence long enough to get so nervous that I almost loose my lunch when I decide to ask them out (as I usually do). Often, when I do get to be there, I find little sustenance there and I soon do loose interest. Sometimes it is something all together different that makes me loose interest.
When my friend made her comment we kept on the subject. She asked me then, "What is it about them, anyway? Is it that all of us American girls are fat cows compared?"
I wanted to be as honest as possible yet still being sensitive. "Well, since you mention it, yes, in a way. Asian girls almost
always have a better body than Americans. They have a better skin tone, less body hair and fat and seem to be more fit. I'm not saying this is all I look for, but that is a definite advantage that they have."
Ironically, just days prior JD and I were talking about that. We have both recently come out of a relationship with an Asian girl. For some reason we both seemed to independently notice that American girls have beefy and hairy arms. We wondered how we never noticed it before. We just got used to Asians.
By now you have condemned me as a traitor to my own race and a shallow "natural man" whom lusts only after the flesh. Like I said, it is an advantage, but that is far from the only reason I can see why ha'ole women on this campus seem to be sans boyfriends. The crutch of it lies within.
Before we progress, I want to stipulate the remainder to be taken as a generalization of perception, not a hard rule for all. Don't take personal offence (and if you do, maybe it's due to something you see in yourself...).
Let's look back to the seventies. Ah, the bra burning days. Should women be allowed to drive, vote or have jobs? Sure. Should I be indoctrinated with thoughts that they can and should do every thing men were meant to do? No. I believe that a man is a man and a woman is a woman. They were created differently, at different times, and with different purposes. We should be magnifying our roles which are different rather than closing the gap. Many men today feel that our American women have lost the touch of a woman.
I, for one, don't want a man for my wife. I want a
girl! I want someone that doesn’t have boy's hair (sorry, Lacey). I can't stand a girl that cusses or spits. I don't want a girl that tries to prove herself to men and the world that she can be independent. Why should she have to prove anything to anyone? Why should she be totally independent? I don't plan on being independent of my wife. Should either be independent of each other? Is it not ideal to strive for interdependence?
While this may not be the case for all American ha'oles, I can't say for certain. But they are
much more brash, loud, boisterous, casual, full of loud laughter, pushy, and, in many ways, rude. Not only will they insist on wearing the pants in the family, they will rip them off you to get them. While they are at it, they would grab your hands and give themselves the priesthood. By contrast, Asian girls seem to be much more considerate, kind, respectful, reserved, and all around...well...womanly.
I know where you are going next: "But Jared, what you are saying is that you want a submissive girl who caters to your every whim and is close to a slave!" Not true at all. Just ask the last two Asians I dated and they'll tell you just how submissive they were. It's tact. A lesson left out of mainland Young Woman's programs. I don't want a suffrage of spirit, but who wants a suborn ass? (Meaning donkey...get your mind out of the gutter.)
I think that people (male or female) should be broken. The scriptures command us to come before The Lord with a broken heart. This does not mean broken as "unusable" or "ruined", but rather the opposite. What good is a horse that is not broken? You cannot ride it or do work with it. It is wild and untamed, and will remain that way. The Lord can't do anything with unbroken hearts. And we cannot make good mates for each other when not broken in heart either. Again, the American woman of today is far from that.
So, there you have it. This is why many men like myself seem to be dating the Asian girls on campus and not the Americans. Is it as base as physical ascetics? Is it the stereotype of indentured servitude? No. It's based on experience. It's sad experience in my own life that for some reason I have found myself being capable of entering an exclusive relationship with girls that are not of the "American" mind set.
Let's look at this like simple economics. American girls have priced themselves out of the business. They are simply more work than they are worth. They have done it to themselves.
My friend, you may be right. Perhaps you will not get a boyfriend on this campus because you are not Asian. I will not make any accusations to you specifically, but consider this: What do the Asians
do differently that attract the men? It may surprise you that it's not how the Asians
look that primarily set them apart.
"Darling, I’m afraid to close my eyes when I’m going to bed
I’m afraid you’ll crack the phone down over my head
Why are all american girls so rough?
Damn, that girl can’t ever hurt you enough
Lady (lady), you knock me on my knees and I can’t stand up
You got the look in your eye and you smack my butt
Why are all american girls so rough?
Why do all american girls act so tough?
Why are all american girls so rough?
Darling, I’m afraid to close my eyes when I’m goin to bed
I’m afraid you’ll crack the phone down over my head
Why are all american girls so rough?
Damn, that girl can’t ever hurt you enough
Lady (lady), you knock me on my knees and I can’t stand up
You got that look in your eye and you smack my butt
Why are all american girls so rough?
Why do all american girls act so tough?
Why are all american girls so rough?
That hole you’re digging in my ribs
It ain’t no real wound
So baby take it easy
Let’s try to be friends
Why are all american girls so rough?
Damn, that girl can’t ever hurt you enough
Lady (lady), you knock me down on my knees and I can’t stand up
You got the look in your eye, you smack my butt
Why are all american girls so rough?
Why do all american girls act so tough?
Why are all american girls so rough?
American girls
American girls
Why are all american girls so rough?
American girls
American girls
American girls
Why are all american girls so rough?
American girls
American girls
American girls
Why are all american girls so rough?
Why are all american girls so rough?
- American Girls by Weezer
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