Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

A Hair-loom from Daddy...

It's a foregone conclusion that when a Caucasian and an Asian have a child that the child in question will have predominately "Asian" hair. At the least, a dark auburn if not totally black. But somehow, the Bodine blood must be pretty strong, because Maia's hair is all from Daddy's side of the family. Not only is it red, but also quite curly. Interestingly, though, it's soft and straight in the front. I don't know how she got hair that is both straight and curly at the same time, but she did.

This was not a very good hair day for Maia.

Maia: Shoes by Prada, Hair by Slinky...

At least she has her mother's eyes...with a ring of blue in them...