Thursday, March 03, 2005

American Woman...

"American woman, stay away from me
American woman, mama let me be
Don’t come hangin’ around my door
I don’t wanna see your face no more
I got more important things to do
Than spend my time growin’ old with you
Now woman, I said stay away,
American woman, listen what I say.

American woman, get away from me
American woman, mama let me be
Don’t come knockin’ around my door
Don’t wanna see your shadow no more
Coloured lights can hypnotize
Sparkle someone else’s eyes
Now woman, I said get away
American woman, listen what I say."
- American Woman by The Guess Who

I heard an interesting thing from my friend at lunch today. She said, "I can't get a boyfriend on this campus because I am not Asian."

She didn't say it in an upset or angry way. She was merely reporting it an a very matter-of-fact way. She herself is what we call here a "ha'ole" or, to the rest of the world, Anglo-Saxon or white. She has also, apparently, seen many guys date Asian girls. I can't say she is wrong.

On this campus most everybody will date an Asian. The way it works here is one Asian will date another. A ha'ole will date another as well. A ha'ole guy will date an Asian girl. It is rarely seen the other way around. Polys either date each other or the Poly guy will date a ha'ole girl. Again it is rare for it to be the other way around - meaning a Poly girl and ha'ole guy.

I am no exception to this rule as I have only dated Asians on this campus. I know this makes me sound like one with "Asian Fever" but there is more to it. My best friend, JD, has also been labeled with it as well. I am still not convinced that he does not have it, but even if he does, I can understand why and don't condemn him.

I have been interested in ha'ole girls. Most of them never give me the satisfaction of being in their presence long enough to get so nervous that I almost loose my lunch when I decide to ask them out (as I usually do). Often, when I do get to be there, I find little sustenance there and I soon do loose interest. Sometimes it is something all together different that makes me loose interest.

When my friend made her comment we kept on the subject. She asked me then, "What is it about them, anyway? Is it that all of us American girls are fat cows compared?"

I wanted to be as honest as possible yet still being sensitive. "Well, since you mention it, yes, in a way. Asian girls almost always have a better body than Americans. They have a better skin tone, less body hair and fat and seem to be more fit. I'm not saying this is all I look for, but that is a definite advantage that they have."

Ironically, just days prior JD and I were talking about that. We have both recently come out of a relationship with an Asian girl. For some reason we both seemed to independently notice that American girls have beefy and hairy arms. We wondered how we never noticed it before. We just got used to Asians.

By now you have condemned me as a traitor to my own race and a shallow "natural man" whom lusts only after the flesh. Like I said, it is an advantage, but that is far from the only reason I can see why ha'ole women on this campus seem to be sans boyfriends. The crutch of it lies within.

Before we progress, I want to stipulate the remainder to be taken as a generalization of perception, not a hard rule for all. Don't take personal offence (and if you do, maybe it's due to something you see in yourself...).

Let's look back to the seventies. Ah, the bra burning days. Should women be allowed to drive, vote or have jobs? Sure. Should I be indoctrinated with thoughts that they can and should do every thing men were meant to do? No. I believe that a man is a man and a woman is a woman. They were created differently, at different times, and with different purposes. We should be magnifying our roles which are different rather than closing the gap. Many men today feel that our American women have lost the touch of a woman.

I, for one, don't want a man for my wife. I want a girl! I want someone that doesn’t have boy's hair (sorry, Lacey). I can't stand a girl that cusses or spits. I don't want a girl that tries to prove herself to men and the world that she can be independent. Why should she have to prove anything to anyone? Why should she be totally independent? I don't plan on being independent of my wife. Should either be independent of each other? Is it not ideal to strive for interdependence?

While this may not be the case for all American ha'oles, I can't say for certain. But they are much more brash, loud, boisterous, casual, full of loud laughter, pushy, and, in many ways, rude. Not only will they insist on wearing the pants in the family, they will rip them off you to get them. While they are at it, they would grab your hands and give themselves the priesthood. By contrast, Asian girls seem to be much more considerate, kind, respectful, reserved, and all around...well...womanly.

I know where you are going next: "But Jared, what you are saying is that you want a submissive girl who caters to your every whim and is close to a slave!" Not true at all. Just ask the last two Asians I dated and they'll tell you just how submissive they were. It's tact. A lesson left out of mainland Young Woman's programs. I don't want a suffrage of spirit, but who wants a suborn ass? (Meaning donkey...get your mind out of the gutter.)

I think that people (male or female) should be broken. The scriptures command us to come before The Lord with a broken heart. This does not mean broken as "unusable" or "ruined", but rather the opposite. What good is a horse that is not broken? You cannot ride it or do work with it. It is wild and untamed, and will remain that way. The Lord can't do anything with unbroken hearts. And we cannot make good mates for each other when not broken in heart either. Again, the American woman of today is far from that.

So, there you have it. This is why many men like myself seem to be dating the Asian girls on campus and not the Americans. Is it as base as physical ascetics? Is it the stereotype of indentured servitude? No. It's based on experience. It's sad experience in my own life that for some reason I have found myself being capable of entering an exclusive relationship with girls that are not of the "American" mind set.

Let's look at this like simple economics. American girls have priced themselves out of the business. They are simply more work than they are worth. They have done it to themselves.

My friend, you may be right. Perhaps you will not get a boyfriend on this campus because you are not Asian. I will not make any accusations to you specifically, but consider this: What do the Asians do differently that attract the men? It may surprise you that it's not how the Asians look that primarily set them apart.
"Darling, I’m afraid to close my eyes when I’m going to bed
I’m afraid you’ll crack the phone down over my head

Why are all american girls so rough?
Damn, that girl can’t ever hurt you enough

Lady (lady), you knock me on my knees and I can’t stand up
You got the look in your eye and you smack my butt

Why are all american girls so rough?
Why do all american girls act so tough?
Why are all american girls so rough?

Darling, I’m afraid to close my eyes when I’m goin to bed
I’m afraid you’ll crack the phone down over my head

Why are all american girls so rough?
Damn, that girl can’t ever hurt you enough

Lady (lady), you knock me on my knees and I can’t stand up
You got that look in your eye and you smack my butt

Why are all american girls so rough?
Why do all american girls act so tough?
Why are all american girls so rough?

That hole you’re digging in my ribs
It ain’t no real wound
So baby take it easy
Let’s try to be friends
Why are all american girls so rough?
Damn, that girl can’t ever hurt you enough

Lady (lady), you knock me down on my knees and I can’t stand up
You got the look in your eye, you smack my butt

Why are all american girls so rough?
Why do all american girls act so tough?
Why are all american girls so rough?

American girls
American girls
Why are all american girls so rough?
American girls
American girls
American girls
Why are all american girls so rough?
American girls
American girls
American girls
Why are all american girls so rough?
Why are all american girls so rough?
- American Girls by Weezer

Download Song


Trouble-maker said...

Jared, you are so mean. I think American girls with their independence are great. A lot of guys like that in a girl.
Look from out side, your view is quite Mormon. (even though I did not say you are wrong, but there are a lot of factors such as there are more Asian girls here than Americans, and a lot of Asian girls here do not have boyfriends too. i think the percentage is the same. HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT ABOUT IT???) So mean, so mean, not only to your friends but to all Americans also!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm almost dumb-founded by what you have to say. You're fearless--and perhaps very American!!

I've heard American men twice your age expressing similar views about the American women, not the physical part but more on attitude and personality. It's sad how things have developed into what it is today. But do you know that many Asian women are walking the path that women from the west had marked?

They may not develop excessive body hair, but they have become too competitive in school and on the job. Many Asian (or should I say Chinese, Singaporean) men are finding it hard to marry local women. Women in Singapore are generally well-educated and have higher expectation in the relationships that they enter into. This must have become too complicated for the Asian men who still remain chauvinistic. So a new trend has developed over the recent years—well educated Singaporean women marrying Caucasian men. Many of these men have previously been married to one of their own kind and divorced. The Singaporean girls are usually quite successful in their career but had remained single for lack of local suitors.

What about the local men? They either remain single or they would go to a third world country to find their mates. Mainland Chinese, Vietnamese Chinese, etc. are the popular choice. Our sisters there are just a step behind us.

What attracts the Asian women to the Western/Caucasian/American guys? Perhaps they are less Chauvinistic, and have more respect for the individual, thus are more sensitive to the women’s need. We perhaps have the American women to thank. For it was they who spoke up for the rest of us. They are one step ahead of us.

Can you see where this is going? One day when everyone catches up with everybody, we would have a generation of “un-marry-able” men and women—Asian and Caucasian.

By the time I get here, I don’t even know what I’m trying to say!! Phew…

Oh…I think we have to have another blog discussion on how to be attractive to the opposite sex, whether you’re from the west or from the east. And more importantly, how to remain attracted and attractive after the “marshmallow brain" comes out of the heat and enter the cold reality of daily living!

PS: Have you thought about why your two Asian girls encounter were unsuccessful? There might be some fundamental/universal factors that need to be addressed. That’s a whole different matter and perhaps a good blog topic?

(It’s time to resurrect The CafĂ©.)

Singapore Girl

Anonymous said...

Jared i think you are fated to be a bachelor for the rest of your life. Unless you get a mail order bride. We may be hairy and fat, but have you taken a look at yourself in the mirror lately.

Anonymous said...

Hey, lay off the hair. Most men I know can't stand it if their hair is more than 1/2 inch long. Why should I suffer with it if they don't have to.

What you fail to recognize is that being an American (or any woman for that matter) is living a paradox. If we are too submissive we end up like Aaron's mom. A divorcee whose ex complians that she is to dependent. Did he ever stop to think why? Probably not.

On the other had if we get an education and prepare for our futures (not all women will get married and many who do will still have to provide for themselves at some point in time)we are seen as too agressive. As if we are taking away jobs from men or something. Give those same traits to a man and he is seen as a man with intitive.

I'm not a bra burner, but did you ever think why women felt they had to burn them in the first place? I agree their is a balance, but I don't think you have found it.

PS. I think American women still have way more on manners than American men.

Anonymous said...

you know i don't totally agree with jared and i don't totally diagree. hell i didn't eve read the blog but i did converse briefly with him on the Issue his blog had brought up. looking at things through my "jared goggles" Jared is totally right. . .but try seeing it from another's point of view like say the Faculty? This school TRIES (notice the emphasis) to pride it self on being culturally diverse and intergrated. cross cultural dating may be praised if looked by the school but, even with that there are many resons that BYUH has that does not promote it. another thing to consider. . .who are the ones bitching about this? the singles maybe? just a thought. in J-Bo's defense (live this one up jared it doesn't happen often)Jared was just expressing how he feels about something important to him, notice i said HIM? what he thinks and feels. he's not trying to convince anyone to think the same(heaven forbid we have two jareds). SO WHAT IF IT"S NOT WHAT YOU THINK! just chill. it almost seems like this group can never disscuss anything. it all ways turns in to someone trying to change the mind of the other. who cares that we all think differently? isn't that why we all hangout? because we are all different? or do we all want to be carbon copies of eachother? if you express an opinion let it be YOUR opinion, and if it changes the mind of another so be it. don't start off tring to change others. if you don;t agree so be it let the other person live in what YOU would consider stupidity or igonrance, but whatever. if anyone thinks i'm wrong then good for you, use your own thoughts please but don't get angry and say how wrong i am but let me hear your opinion and if it changes what i think. . . then more points for you as for Jared . . .good on ya for having your own point of view.
-Car Car-

Anonymous said...

Jared I love you and thanks for the entertainment. This is a very hot topic and I can see where people would get mad...but...I can also see how you would see things that way. It's just too bad that it would even be an issue. I say if a guy is into the asian personality of women go for it. I'll be who I am and let the guy decide what he's attracted to.

Anonymous said...

the wicked taketh the truth to be hard.

Anonymous said...

Fie Fools!!!

All the comments have wonderful points...
Jared for telling the truth you will probably face a semester of Singleness, (Yes I am agreeing with Jared he just lacks tact.) In the same respect the topic will be dropped, and resurected by Singles later.

Good Luck Jared.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll wait for Jared to comment back to some of these comments before I give my two cents. I am really just interested to see how he holds his ground. I'll check back!

Shaleen said...

I totally agree with this part from a previous comment, "I say if a guy is into the asian personality of women go for it. I'll be who I am and let the guy decide what he's attracted to." That's how I feel. I know that personally I can come off as loud and obnoxious, but partly it's because that's how I think I should act, especially in this day and age. I preferably would like an interdependent relationship, I know that women these days are more out for independence and I know that sometimes that is needed, but "there is a time and place for everything". I personally would like to be a literal "caretaker". I like to feel feminine and I know what qualities are considered so, I just am careful about showing them because I'm afraid of being seen as weak. I'm also glad that Jared has emphasized the fact that this is a generalization because I know that outwardly I fit under most of the description that was given, whereas inwardly I am completely different. It's all based on how one is raised in one's society I think. For me, my mother had to be independent in order to raise my sister and I on her own, but she found someone and was able to let go of some of that, which I really admire... Where am I going with this now? Anywho, to close I just want to suggest that although American women may come off a certain way, it is best to not generalize but to get to know someone more personally before jumping to conclusions or deciding that they aren't the one. I can see where Jared is coming from, this is based on his view and his experience (I'm glad that he knows what he wants, not all of us do) and I know that a lot of guys think the same way and I can see where they come from, but I feel that they need to look at it from the other side too. I've noticed that, like, one guy, J.D. has said anything, and I just want to encourage all the other guys who have an opinion to speak out, you can always do so anonymously if you really are "afraid" of the reactions you may get. So, yeah.... that's that.

Fei said...


(Hot topic + hasty generalizations) - tact = lots of comments. I could use some of that on my blog!

I wrote up a big ole comment this morning while there was only one comment on here, neglected to post it, I come home from work and POOF. All these comments. My first reaction was "and you wonder why you are still single". But other people who love you have already pointed it out.

I think LaDawn put it best. Jared is speaking from his experiences. It's more about intimidation than actual strength or submissiveness. And he uses lack of tact for humor.

I hope this doesn't come out the wrong way, but my take on Asian women is simply that they are "looser"/"eaiser". At least with White guys. I mean that in the best way possible.

Dating works very differently here than it does for us at home. In a new environment, Asian women are more open to new ideas. Fair skin is a hot commodity in Asia, white guys have white skin, American money. Not that Asian women are gold diggers, but their overall view of white-skinned men are much better than that of American women who grew up with them and truly understand the culture and what they are like. There's a reason why pop boybands do so well in Asia and not here.

My conclusion is simply that the cultural barrier and postive pre-conceived notions makes the Asian woman more accepting of the white man, and therefore are less picky than the American woman.

Similarly, it makes the white man more fascinated with the Asian woman and more accepting.

There are character flaws that don't translate from culture to culture. Being new to it, you won't know what to look for, and may only see the good, whereas it's easy to cross people out from your own race because you know it inside out and recognize personality traits right off the back.

I am all for people to have their right to pick and choose who they want to date/marry. My only request is that if you say you like Asian women better than women of your own race, then you better know what kind of Asian woman you prefer. There is no one "Asian Personality" let's be careful not to generalize. Just remember that groups vary among themselves more than they do in between each other.

So, yeah. I really don't think the Asians are getting more action than the white women. Su and I don't have boyfriends here. The popular girls in are social group are white. Of course, most of our social group is white, so that really isn't saying much.

If it really was true though, I still stay the HECK away from guys who say they are attracted to Asian women in general. It's just like being liked for your chest size, or just because your blonde. There is more to me than my ethnicity.

So, if I'm trying to prove to all men that I can be independant, am I still Asian?

Anonymous said...

Jared, as a guy, I can sympathize with some of your views of women on this campus and also women in general. I must admit that oriental women have an appealing appearance but they don’t have a corner on the market here. There are some very attractive women from every country represented on this campus. The generalization that oriental women are more attractive is simply a personal preference for the individual and should not be projected upon others. I don’t feel that you did this but simply stated a commonly understood fact that many American men on this campus date oriental women. The women that take offense to those statements need to relax and not be so touchy on the subject. If they are belly aching because they can’t get a date, then perhaps they should stop looking for outside excuses that they have no control over and do something productive. Me thinkest they protesteth too much… Anyway, your analysis of American women’s blusterous and sometimes crude nature is in a large part true. I’m not making a judgment as to if that is right or wrong for them but I can tell you that what I want for my helpmeet is someone that has learned balance in their life. To everything, turn, turn, turn… {The rest of these comments have been deleted due to their longwinded nature and no one wants to hear a diatribe by someone in my shoes (they are long and sparkly with a big yellow star on the end)}

Anonymous said...

Wow... all I am inclined to say right now is that a vast majority of the older, American men on campus seem to be tucking their tails between their legs. Yes, you know what, American girls are more independant now. What's your problem? Too much work for you??? Jeez... if I hear another guy on campus complain about lacking in dates, and just wanting to hang out I'm going to scream. There are some amazing guys on campus. I'm not knocking anyone, but as Jared pointed out in his post, only those who would take offense are those doing these things.

Now I know that you, Jared, date. That's impressive. Are you sure you aren't making any snap judgments on American women though? For three years, I was ignored. I tried to show guys my interest in them. Maybe I was too bold, or maybe I still was trying to break away from my old habits as a tom boy. I'll stop here because I'm done revealing dirt. I did the second I wrote this comment. Go back to complaining about not being able to find American women attractive because of their independance or how ever many other attributes you find as fault.

Posted by Mandie

Anonymous said...

Hey Mandie, wanna go out on a date?

Trouble-maker said...

Fair skin? American money? Asian women are less picky with the white guys than American women ?... Heck, now I know why I am different (if what Fei wrote is true). But I agree, everybody has their own experience, background or personality (whatever)to look at this subject. But I think we have what you dont think we have : ASIAN PERSONALITY, but not apply the same to everyone, and a lot of ASIAN GIRLS no longer do or can keep those good personalities. So sad!
...Wait wait wait... Dont look at me and ask where my Asian personality is, I am not trying to improve anything. So if you dont see anything in me, hehehe...

Trouble-maker said...

Jared, I am really jealous with you when you have a sister like Ladawn.

Anonymous said...


You definately have brought a touchy subject out into the open, and I commend you for your courage.

For the most part I agree with you. Asians are, for the most part, less demanding and more sensitive than the average American woman. WHY??? Because Asian girls don't feel like they have to prove themselves as equals to men. They haven't been brainwashed by the American Media which sends them false messages of what a "woman" should be. Girls don't need to be tomboys in order to gain the respect of everyone.

The WORLD doesn't need more "Muscle-bound" or "Xena" women, why can't women be women and men be men???

Why do they feel the urge to try be just like the men?

Women out there maybe you can clear this up to me....

Anyway Jared, since this is only my second semester here I can safely say that I haven't fallen prey to your supposed state of "Asian Persuasion" (that everyone accuses you of) and can say that I still prefer American Girls more than Asians. Why? Well, although they are so to say "rude" and "shallow" sometimes, I have been blessed to know the exceptions in this case. I feel sorry that you had experences to make you feel otherwise.

I also feel bad that so many people feel offended by this blog. I feel bad that people also like to misconstrue your words and take them out of context as well.

I know you are on the right track man,

good luck

Fei said...

Arnuld: I disagree with the satement "[Asian women] haven't been brainwashed by the American Media which sends them false messages of what a 'woman' should be". I would say that it is more the women in Asian culture who have been brainwashed into accepting their place under/behind the man.

I really don't see where the media promotes tomboy-ness. It promotes quite the opposite, in fact. It's not that women are trying to be just like men, but the feminist movement is all about equality. Nobody ever said anything about similarity.

Who wants to be like a man anyway? Ugh. Women are waaaay better... *wink*

Anonymous said...

OK so heres my two bits...

One I say way to go to jared for having an opinion and acutally sharing it. To often people in this world dont share what they think.

Two I agree with Car car that people need to remember that this isnt a personal attack on anyone but one mans opinion which is based on the sum of his experiences.

Three I agree with parts of what jared has to say. I think as it was stated somewhere in here that american women do tend to through their independence in the faces of the guys like they have something to prove. when the guys are raised to be the providers it can make them feel threatened and not as needed/wanted. When a girl of any race is willing to let the guy step more into his provider role it makes him feel more needed. Its kinda like the whole thing with opening doors for women. we know you can open a door. but letting the guy do such a simple thing makes us feel that much more needed in your life. we arnt trying to say you are weak, we are trying to make your life alittle bit nicer. I have a prof at school here that once stated "I wear the pants in the family but my wife buys them" he was trying to say that he does wear the pants but his wife is the one supporting him and helping to make the big decissions in the family. hence the reason she buys the pants. anyway i want a wife that has a degree and knows how to take care of her self. however i dont want her to through it in my face. hang it over my head. etc.... I still want to be needed in the family unit. If you take out the traditionally male role of being the provider then why are we fighting same sex marriage. Just keep in mind the guys needs to feel loved and important still.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I kinda think you did this blog for shock factor! Well I think it worked!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with LaDawn, she hit it right on the nose. Like her I grew up with Jared. He grew up with very stong headed women, me being one of them. He is just talking from experience. I think the "typical" American women scares him to death.

Fei said...

LaDawn, Lacey, Wendy: What did you do to scare your poor little brother?!Oh no. Are my brothers going to be intimated by Asian women?

Anonymous said...


Since you are Asian yourself I will take your word for "women in Asian culture who have been brainwashed into accepting their place under/behind the man."

But my First statement was that they have not been brainwashed by the American Media, which is still true.

But I must disagree with your second statement, "I really don't see where the media promotes tomboy-ness. It promotes quite the opposite, in fact." Maybe this would have been the case in 1910, but today I can safely say that throughout my whole life living IN the U.S.A. I have seen a majority of TV shows which have protrayed women being the Heros at the cost of serious degradment of the male co-stars.

Home Improvement is a perfect example of this: Tim Allen always does something stupid and his wife is always the one who fixes it or forgives him for it.

In the Disney show "Lizzie Mcguire" Lizze is the protagonist with "unreasonable" parents and a snotty litte brother that wants to ruin her life.

So on the contrary as I have proven Faye, the American Media DOES in fact train our young women to become tough and rough just like men are. They are taught that they have to in order to become respected in both in academic and business worlds. I believe that women are giving up to much femininity in order to cope with the standards the world is trying to place on them. Again I am not disapproving of a woman getting an education and a career...It is when it gets in the way of more important things is when it becomes a problem.

I am not saying that women can't be heros.....but if we are looking for equality why do we have to degrade the guys so much? Like you said eariler Faye,"Who wants to be like a man anyway? Ugh. Women are waaaay better... *wink*" If that is true WHAT is there so high and mighty about us that you have to pull us down more?


Anonymous said...

Look I agree that there are some trends in american women that are less than favorable. They are more intiminating and do seem to be a lot less sensitive. Many do not make things easier for us guys. On the other hand there are negative trends in all cultres. Plus i dont think it would be fair to blame women for this situation. If men honored women more in the roles God ment for them we would not have a majority of the problems we do have with Gender roles. Society does create the problem, but that is not an excuse either. We as Latter-day saints should be aware of the lies of babylon and base our self esteem on how God sees us and not try to please others before him.

Anonymous said...

Hey sumdum guy, sure! :D I'd love a date. Also, after reading what others have had to say on the topic, my intital reaction remains similar. I have to add the fact that this hot topic is one that causes so much alienation in people's lives. Think about it: women aren't sure where they fit in in today's societal roles for them, and men keep struggling with the dance of being a man, and allowing women to be women in their own way. What does "their own way mean?" Heck if I knew. I'm just lucky to have found a good guy who is willing to wait for me to figure out that side of myself so he can see it. I have no issues with a person's racial or ethnic preference to dating women. Though I might be in the party to point out the many white men/asian women combos on campus here, I also respect them for being brave enough to transcend culture to come together. I find just remaining within one's own culture to date is difficult enough without having to learn a new culture. I want to briefly shout out to the last anonymous comment. Whoever wrote that is awesome. I agree. Though we have the Proclaimation of the Family in the church, we struggle still with the gender roles presented to us. Where does the line of dependence start and independence end? How does interdependence play in our relationships with each other even on a friendly level?

First, I'd say that we need to start forgiving people of faults they may have. Men and women of all races, ethnicities and cultures need to. I've heard Mexican men treat their women awfully, yet I know of a really great Mexican who'd bend over backwards for his girlfriend. It was stated in this blog that American women are too brash, but I've met many who are reserved and womanly (whatever definition of womanly you want to use). I've heard of the submissiveness of Asian women, but I know plenty of Asian women who are just as brash as American women. It takes all kinds, and to try and claim a few attributes to discribe the majority. Remember there are always exceptions to rules and prejudices. Also, remember that breathing helps when shocks like this blog come about. ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for Jared to comment on these comment! Come on!

Anonymous said...

Keep waiting and posting comments, you guys are doing great jobs.


Anonymous said...

WOW, ton of comments since my last one. Rush Limbaugh once said that above all he was an entertainer. He was paid to be controversial and thereby entertain. Jared is an entertainer...and he does a good job.

Jared said...

That one that posed as me was not me. You will know if it is really me when you see my picture on the side. I am working on a seperate post to address all of these issues now.

Anonymous said...

Ok Jared,
As anoying as you can be and as this article is, I have to admit, with a big huge bite of humble pie, your right. As an American woman we have the tendency to want to be independent, but in retrospect its due to men saying at one point they didn't want a needy woman, and so out of a mix of womens lib, and that aspect, we may have gone to far. This goes for SOME women not ALL. I think some have maintained the interdependence role, and others just want to be independent and respected for it. Either way Jared, you have to understand in the end male or female were just looking for acceptence of who we are.

Anonymous said...

Jared you seriously crack me up man...even when your being serious. I have to say I totally understand your point of view. I don't think there is anything wrong with being attracted to a "different" type of person or personality. I think you have to admit that there is something STRANGE about any woman that is NOT American. That in and of itself is very sexy. Much like how American women find men with English accents to be sexy. I have never dated a girl that would be considered foreign. However I did date a girl who was 1/2 Italian...I can tell you that she was VERY hairy. Frankly at the time it didn't bother me one bit. She was cute, fun, paid attention to me, and best of all she liked to smoochy smoochy.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the comment "We may be hairy and fat, but have you taken a look in the mirror lately?" It sounds to me like you want a doll to play with, not an equal partner in a relationship. Your word choice says as much; you say you want a "girl", not a "woman". I think you're in love with a culture and a style. I have no problem with that, but I'm sad that you don't think women should have the same social rights as men do.

I also live in an area where lots of white males date Asian women (rarely vice versa), and I'll tell you my theory on it: Height. Women usually feel uncomfortable if they date men who are close to their own height or shorter, and this tends to be the case with white girls and Asian guys. On the flip side, men feel more manly if they tower over their partners.

Jared said...

Well, Abby, you must be American. They take this stuff way personal. But I agree with you about height. I coudn't see myself dating a girl taller than me.

I don't think I've ever been accused of wanting a doll not a female before. I obviously don't agree with you, but I can understand why you say that and accept your point of view. I might have to think about that one. If you want to know what I said to the other people who commented, you can check out the following blog: American Woman Revisited.

Anonymous said...

lovely article...i really enjoyed it.. so much truth it made me smile.. what i loved more than the article though were the american women getting all huffy puffy about it.. saying "this lacks tact" and what not...

(rolling on the floor laughing)

honey,i dont know how to tell you this.. but its all TRUE!!!
how it is said, is besides the point.. *personally who cares for tact, not that it was missing* but on issues of truth, tact is only for those who bruise easily... women.

yet, i think it refreshing to just see truth put out for all to see...and i love reading those who complain the loudest!

It would seem to me, that the best of all worlds would be, screw as many american girls as you can, hell you aint the first or the last to them..i assure you.. and then go marry a foriegn girl.

any comments??

Anonymous said...

Very interesting Blog. I am amazed at some of the reactions posted. I am asian myself, grew up in the states and suffered many-a-date with men who had "asian fever." I find it ironic that I am the female asian version of Jared's previous blog. I am notorious for avoiding dates with asian men.

I won't comment futher then that, as I don't care to be blasted out of cyberspace like you apparently have.

Would love to actually converse with you as a single asian who has a similar predicament as you.

Jared said...

Wow, a comment! I have not had a comment on this post for some time. Thanks for your input. How did you stumble upon my corner of cyberspace?