No deep thoughts or meaningful insight, just good ole pics of old fashioned fun.
The Ice Palace was sure glad to see us...well...our money anyway.
Beth and I
Jamie and Beth
Poor Peni. Apparently they don't ice skate much in Tonga...
Graceful as a...a...a thing that is graceful.
Beth and I had a bet to see who would fall first. I think this picture settles that debate.
I was worried that after falling on the ice it might look like I wet myself from the behind...
There you have a worry free just look and "ooh and aww" post. Don't worry, I've got something cooking in the oven as we speak...well...type...well, I'm typing, your get the idea.
you went ice-skating, I am so jealous. hehe, I think if I cannot see snow, at least I can go ice-skating. Heya, still cannot find free time and free person/people to go with me yet :((. I am working on it. My roommate had a lot of fun too.
Have a nice day!!! ( I guess at least I still can leave my commen ton your blog, right???)
Haha, I bet the ice cracked big time when you fell :P
Just teasin
Jared I think Beth is cute and you should hook up with her!!! You guys looked sooooo cute together in the pic! She looks like a fun, cute girl! Go for it!!!
Beth, I am one of Jared's mission girlfriends! LOL
We are just good friends from the mission. I really think you guys look cute together! Jared needs a good girl and you look like a perfect match looks wise anyway. I'm sure you are great! I have all kinds of info on Jared if you want it! He's a great guy!
Beth, email me at for all the Jared info!
I leave my blog unattended for one weekend and I get 10 posts on a photo galery and blackmailed. Hm...I really should moniter this thing better.
It's never good for a guy when two worlds of his collide. Be nice you two! If this gets out of hand, I'm getting dirt on Beth from Travis (you know he'll give it to me) and I know Brian is just teeming with good info on you, Allison!
Don't cross a scorpio...
Beth and Jared,
looks like your next date is already lined up:
A Subway experience (Jared owes Beth a subway).
Beth, do you know you can learn All About Jared in the following link?
Well, Jared, I know you're not related to that Jared. But, what a co-incidence!
Related to Su
I agree
Oh I do have some good stuff on Jared! So Beth are you single anyway? I read a little about you on your blog. A Utah girl huh? Utah girls are the best! Me and Jared are good friends. He really is a good guy who just hasn't found "the girl" yet! He needs to though! He's a great catch! We had so much fun together back when we were both single. We never dated though. Jared was to chicken to make a move! He's way cool though and I think you should see what he has to offer!
Oh Jared, I'm sure my husband has lots of good stories but he'd never tell! He knows I'd kill him! So you better not ever try! Plus, he is my husband so he's on MY side!
Beth i agree with the above posts.
you are a cutie.
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