The only shame of it is that no one (except for missionaries and bishops) will read it in a place where others can see you. It is no small secret that bishops prescribe this book in question to offending sinners in route of redemption. Thus, this book has been given a bad rap. In a Mormon climate, reading this book is ironically the appearance of evil. Therefore, many refuse to read it in an attempt to follow the admonition of Harold B. Lee to James E. Faust:
"The best counsel I ever received about staying away from the edge came when, as a young married man, President Harold B. Lee called me to be a member of a bishopric. He said, 'From now on, you must not only avoid evil, but also the appearance of evil.'"
- James E. Faust, "Acting for Ourselves and Not Being Acted Upon," Ensign, Nov. 1995, 45
I hope that if you are reading this you might get over your preconceived notions about the book. Even if you are not currently a sinner that shall be thrust down to hell you might want to check it out. I promise that I won't accuse you of some sort of sexual least to your face.

I just have not gotten around to reading it. I will try now.
Every time I drop by and read your blog, I am given a scary insight into freaky American Mormons. Obviously we have our share of gossipy, judging, over opinionated nutcases here in the land of Oz, but I would be kind of anxious about going out in public without a 'Molly' badge at BYU... doesn't it set your teeth on edge?
You know Rossie, you are not wrong. But I am way used to it. I've gotten to the point now that I just don't care. Really, it will only bug you if you let it. In a way, it's slightly dramatized. If it was all that bad no one would live there.
Oh I don't know - people are suckers for grief and punishment. Gives us something to complain about ;)
I have heard that! That is why I decided to not make myself feel that way and I just won't read it! Maybe someday.
I read the book and felt great the whole time. President Kimball does spend a lot of time catalouging each sin and why they are evil, but if you read, or have read the book, and only felt bad then you have missed the point. The whole point of the book is that even though it possible to guilty of so much evil, that forgiveness is available to everyone except a select few.
Hey Rossie, I don't know you but I do want you do know that truly, you don't have to wear a molly badge out here, you just have to be yourself and be willing to have good clean fun with great people, oh and there is that study thing from time to time.
Study? What a notion! Teehee. Thanks, Spring. That is very comforting.
Spring are you wearing a molly badge? that sounded kinda preachy.. J/K
anyways i have to say i agree with chris. It is a great book. We get too caught up in the does and donts somtimes and miss the good news of the gospel. Jesus Christ has power to forgive sins. Also you dont have to be a perfect person to have acess to the power of the Atonement. Ok i know that that sounds like a no brainer but think about it more.
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