Sunday, March 06, 2005

American Woman...Revisited...

I posted my blog about American Woman before I went to bed one night. In about 12 hours I had over 10 comments. Now, after a weekend, 35. It appears to me that I have ruffled some feathers. Now it is time to make some thoughts regarding your thoughts on my thoughts... get all that?

  • Trouble Maker
    “Look from out side, your view is quite Mormon”

    Admittedly so. But I think it also reflects the feelings of many men outside the church as well. Ever see “The Stepford Wives”? (Not that I want that.)

    To Faye: “But I think we have what you dont think we have : ASIAN PERSONALITY”

    Way to stick it to her, Anna!

    “Jared, I am really jealous with you when you have a sister like Ladawn.”

    Too right. Not only her but all three of my sisters. I don’t know if they emotionally scarred me as bad as they claim, but they are great to me…now…

  • Ladawn
    “...the women in his family are way too outspoken and libertated to ever tolerate that.
    But I also know that Jared is anything but chauvinistic.”

    I swear she isn’t a plant...

    About Asians“ Their strenth, while pehaps more quiet, is no less powerful.”

    Exactly what I’m sayin’.

    “ So he's not a pig...he is a great guy who does have a deep respect for women, nor is he racist.”

    No, really, I didn’t pay her or nothing’.

  • Singapore Girl
    “What attracts the Asian women to the Western/Caucasian/American guys? Perhaps they are less Chauvinistic, and have more respect for the individual, thus are more sensitive to the women’s need[s].”

    And yet we are trampled on by our women still.

    “We perhaps have the American women to thank. For it was they who spoke up for the rest of us. They are one step ahead of us.”

    They did break some ground that is good to have been trodden on. Thanks for your comments.

  • Anonymous 1
    “Jared i think you are fated to be a bachelor for the rest of your life. Unless you get a mail order bride. We may be hairy and fat, but have you taken a look at yourself in the mirror lately.”

    Bitter: party of 1, your table is ready!

    Could somebody get “Reading Comprehension for Dummies” to this girl, stat!

    Look, my whole point is that it’s NOT about the body. I don’t think American girls are ugly, fat or hairy, but that it is a fact that they are physically different than Asian girls. Some of those features might be more attractive to men, but that’s not why you see the white to Asian trend.

    I think you might be confessing to a low self esteem...or wait, you confessed to nothing, you don’t have the guts to admit who you are even. By the crass form of response you didn’t even have to let on that you were an American female, you made that clear and only served to better prove my point. Thanks.

    And now to address your personal attacks: Yes, I probably have more of both hair and fat than you. Since when was this about what’s wrong with American men? That could be a whole blog by itself.

  • Lacey
    “Hey, lay off the hair.”

    That comment of mine was just for fun.

    “... if we get an education and prepare for our futures…we are seen as too agressive.”

    I don’t think so. I never said I wanted women to be uneducated. I think intelligence is attractive. The glory of God is intelligence. It’s the arrogance that might accompany it that turns us off. As King Benjamin warns us, the learned taketh themselves to be wise and esteem themselves. That’s what I (and I boldly speak for other men) don’t like.

    “PS. I think American women still have way more on manners than American men.”

    Perhaps, but again, another post for another day.

    “WOW, ton of comments since my last one. Rush Limbaugh once said that above all he was an entertainer. He was paid to be controversial and thereby entertain. Jared is an entertainer...and he does a good job.”

    It took some time, but yeah, you got it.

  • JD
    “Femininity is important regardless of culture or nationality. The fact is women are given strenghts that men dont have. I appreciate a woman that develops these devine attributes.”

    Nothing but Amen to add to that.

  • Mamma Jolley
    “I did martial arts too JD, does that mean that I am no longer feminine? ... Just because I can kick your butt doesn't mean that I will.”

    2 things wrong there: 1) you and Anonymous 1 should start up a book club, you could miss the points of all great authors the world wide and 2) neither would you nor could you kick JD’s butt.

    “He told me that my eyes stuck out from my head once.”

    Get over it! Man, you have issues. Did you know that we have FREE counseling for people like you on campus? You might want to check it out. Oh, and your American-woman response made any loss of physical attraction more than reciprocal.

    “I am not angry.”

    ...and I am the Easter Bunny... (fat and hairy, right?)

  • Car Car
    ... this group can never disscuss anything. it all ways turns in to someone trying to change the mind of the other. “

    Too true, oh, and I wrote down in my journal that you actually defended me for once...

  • Anonymous 2
    “the wicked taketh the truth to be hard.”

    Hehe, couldn’t have said it better.

  • Allison
    “I think I'll wait for Jared to comment back to some of these comments before I give my two cents.”
    Reserving judgment...that’s a fresh approach. Thanks.

  • Shaleen
    “...although American women may come off a certain way, it is best to not generalize but to get to know someone more personally before jumping to conclusions or deciding that they aren't the one.”

    Yes, well, again, I don’t think this is a hard rule, just observations. Many men might not admit to this, but when we think of the “American girl” attitude, this is what we think. Whether you want to pin this stereotype to me or not does not change what us American men feel.

  • Faye
    I hate to say this Faye, but of all the comments, yours disappointed me the most. I know that you like to defend the underdog, regardless of your personal opinion. Amazingly you failed to see that I am the underdog by coming out with this. And you normally have such great arguments. This time you don’t seem to have any legs to stand on. What’s more, I think you missed the boat. You didn’t totally lose my point, but you could be Anonymous 1’s and Mamma Jolley’s Club Treasurer.

    “And he uses lack of tact for humor.”

    Better than a lack of maturity for blog fodder...
    (Ok, a bit below the belt, but I’m just using a lack of tact for humor...)

    “There are character flaws that don't translate from culture to culture.”

    I’ve dated some Asian girls. I found the flaws just fine. You might know about that. (And to be fair, they saw mine.)

    “So, yeah. I really don't think the Asians are getting more action than the white women.”

    Not that much more if any at all. But the white girls are complaining. I only offer explanations.

    “So, if I'm trying to prove to all men that I can be independant, am I still Asian?”

    Ok, maybe you could be the club secretary.

    To Arnuld”I really don't see where the media promotes tomboy-ness. It promotes quite the opposite, in fact.”

    I’d like to know what channel still shows reruns of Dick Van Dyke, because we MUST be watching different stations!

    “Are my brothers going to be intimated by Asian women?”

    Don’t take this wrong, but I’ve heard your mom yell. The answer is a resounding “yes”.

  • Sumdum Guy
    “The women that take offense to those statements need to relax and not be so touchy on the subject. If they are belly aching because they can’t get a date, then perhaps they should stop looking for outside excuses that they have no control over and do something productive. Me thinkest they protesteth too much…”


  • Mandi
    “ American men on campus seem to be tucking their tails between their legs.”

    Between our legs? Not around the Asian women. Why do you say that? You see them do that when you come near? (Not that I have a problem with you.)

    “Go back to complaining about not being able to find American women attractive because of their independence”

    I think my comments on independence were taken too far. Educated, able to take care of herself? Yes. Prideful and wanting to do it on their own without men due to chips on shoulders or things to prove? No. Get it?

  • Arnuld!
    “since this is only my second semester here I can safely say that I haven't fallen prey to your supposed state of "Asian Persuasion" (that everyone accuses you of)”

    And I’m glad you brought this up. This post is not to say that I am after Asian girls. I DO like plenty of American girls. Heck, I still think I’m most likely end up with one. I’d be more than happy to. As long as there is some chemistry and we both are good standing church members we can make it work. What I’m looking for is a girl I’m compatible with. Race is tertiary at best on my list of necessities.

    To Faye”So on the contrary as I have proven Faye, the American Media DOES in fact train our young women to become tough and rough just like men are.”

    While I still agree with you on American Media, I don’t think two examples are proof. Good examples however.

  • Krill
    “One I say way to go to jared for having an opinion and acutally sharing it. To often people in this world dont share what they think.”

    Ah, stroke me! And, yes, I didn’t just do this for shock effect.

    “...i want a wife that has a degree and knows how to take care of her self. however i dont want her to through it in my face. hang it over my head. etc....”

    Me too.

  • Beth
    “Well put kirill.....
    hot topic blog Jared, fun to read and think about.
    Hope all are having a good weekend.”

    Hm. Well, I do think that I was expecting a bit more. Shock, anger, denial, acceptance. Something.

  • Wendy
    “He grew up with very stong headed women, me being one of them. He is just talking from experience. I think the "typical" American women scares him to death.”

    I am way nervous to approach a girl. I don’t know if this means I’m scared of death of them specifically. I do have a past with and a fear of rejection. I have told this sister, Wendy, and my mom that I don’t want them to even meet my future fiancĂ© until after our honeymoon. Otherwise, they will have her burning her bra so fast I would never have the satisfaction of seeing her in one.

Well, this has turned into a post just about as long as the last. As my closing thoughts, let me say this: I do not hate American Women. Over all, I still like them. If I didn’t I wouldn’t want to date one, would I? For the record, I don’t have “Asian Fever” but I like them just the same. I like to think of myself as an equal opportunity dater...when they will date me, that is.

Given the status of my public image now, I may not be getting any girl to date me for some time. Any girls out there not too picky about dating a hairy American with a big mouth?


Trouble-maker said...

NO, I have not seen "The Stepford Wives" yet, you did not let me borrow it. Hehehe, Can I borrow it now? Give it to JD, I will take it from him when I see him, soon though. If you dont give it to him, I will call you, hehe (which you dont want to). OK. ANyway, that was the movie I recommended you to see, so you'd better share it with me. Just kidding, but let me borrow it sometimes before you take it home with you. Bibo :)

Trouble-maker said...

For those who wonder what "Bibo" is: I just wanna say "bye bye" in my own way. dont get confused, it is not Vietnamese though.
Have a nice day, everyone! Bibo.

E.Marie said...

blah blah blah. Let it die already.

Anonymous said...

Somehow, after reading your response to my comment and my comment again, I realized that I didn't clarify myself well. Either that or you edited what I said to suit your purpose better. *shrugs* Either way, c'est la vie. Great topic for discussion. Sorry if my comments were too crass.

Jared said...

Beth, I wasn't dissapointed, just suprised.

Mandie, I wasn't upset about what you said, I just thought it was amusing. I probably was a bit too hard on you.

Rossie said...

Wow. Controversial. It reminds me of a YW lesson I had when I was younger...small branch out in the country, and of course most of the girls used to sit like boys. Our district leader was horrified at the legs akimbo. She's French and very particular about having ankles crossed. Most of the girls protested - loudly - at being asked to present themselves a bit more lady like.
After reading all the comments from your last post, it seems to me that it's not much about race, etc, as women being, well, women. What man wants to date a virtual boy?

Jared said...

Thanks Rosie. I know I don't a virtual boy. Oh, and nice use of "akimbo" in a sentence!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Beth in all the nice things she said about Jared. You are all of those things! I know you well! Jared the reason why I decided not to say anything untill you had a chance to comment is because, I, like beth think "to each is own". You should have what you want in a wife. Even if that is down to even her race. In all honesty you deserve the best and you know what is best for you and what works for you. We all at some point decide what we like and dislike. You have decided and I think you should stick to it! That dosen't mean you might not find all of those qualities you are looking for in a white american girl. Whatever race you find the qualities you are looking for in then I am 100% supportive of you and will be super excited when it happens! I can't wait for you to find that one person you have been looking for. You deserve it all! Marriage is the best! It's something you can't ever imagine untill you are there. To have more love for someone else other than yourself is the best! Then you have children and it's even better! Good luck in your search! Love ya!

Fei said...

"Any girls out there not too picky about dating a hairy American with a big mouth?"

I'm sure you could find another Asian girl who'd take you... (note tongue in cheek)

I should probably start eating meals again or something. I need mah legs back!

As far as being the advocate for the underdog goes, I was trying to defend you with the tact comment, but I guess it didn't come out as intended. I felt that in this case, I needed to protect the American women who you were being less than complimentary to in your previous post. Plus, being the accused Asian, I wanted to defend the thoughts and feelings of the girl who might have felt threatened by the perception men here have of the Asian women. And I empathize with that.

A little more room for human frailty and insecurities, please.

So, be nice to the roommate, ok? She may not be able to kick JD's butt, but she could English Major you any day.

Trouble-maker said...

Aha, so many people, so funny... Can I have a comment here too???

(1 minute silence)

Uhmmm, wait... what are we talking about, anyway?

*wink* Did you get that? that is your joke anyway... hehehe... Am I learning fast or not? :)

Jared said...

Allison you are too nice. Thanks a million.

Faye, I was a bit hard on you, but only because we go far enough back I think our friendship can take it. Thankfully it could. I hear a rumor that Su is mad at me for my remarks to you. Calm her down for me? I understood where you were going. I just felt like your comments lacked something. I was positive you would, however, disagree with me. No supprise there!

Trouble-maker, you always know how to make me smile. Thanks for that.

Fei said...

Jared, you know I'll always be there to disagree with you first.

I understand that one of the reasons you were most disappointed with my comments was because you expected a lot. So, heck, I'll take it as a compliment. ;)

As far as my sister's reaction goes, though, I find it a very funny thing. She's angry with you at what you said about me, and I'm angry with you for what you said about Jolley. Interesting what we each get defensive about.

While I don't take personal offense to what you dished out to me (I'm used to taking crap from you, remember? I stopped letting it count ages ago) I will not comply to calming my sister down because I don't think that it is necessary for me to justify your actions. If something needs to be explained to her, you of all people understand best what you meant.

I think I'll just indulge in the guilty pleasure of having people on my side for a little while. *evil laugh*

a man from Saipan said...

Valuable insight, what not to do or say about women unless you enjoy insidious loathing.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jared, I'm your pal and though you thought of me as someone that you could trust.... Yeah, it's me the guy 3 doors down the little hallway. For all of you that didn't know how patient Jared is. He was fairly nice to me after I disregarded his feelings a few months ago. Thanks dude.

I just wanted to say that though it's been awkward here I've had some pretty good times at work and my share of bumming all of you out too. Through all the sissy fits I want you to know that I'm grateful for what you've done to make me feel at home in the residence. Brah, this is pretty rugged stuff. I came in here because I really needed to save up for school and soon found that this could help mold me into the good Father I want to become someday. Well, you don't build good rapport by being so hard to get along with like I think I've been.

Recently, the need for strenghening my family ties has been weighing on my heart and mind so heavily. I wish I had that talent for open communication where words from my soul could be shared freely and received happily on the receiving end as they left my lips. Sometimes I felt so confined that I'd put all my trust into people that I never really knew all that well when my loved ones were always close by.

No matter where she's come from....... when the love was for real, she treated me respectfully no matter what shape my heart was in.

love anonymously,
richie kiyabu

Jared said...

Thanks the way, nice hair cut!