"Ethnocentrism: characterized by or based on the attitude that one's own group is superior."
- Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
I have a great shirt. In fact, it's my favorite shirt. It is the only shirt I have ever owned that I have named. It's called "The Red Barron". This picture will help explain the name:

The Red Barron
I have been accused on well more than one occasion of wearing a shirt with the ever popular Nazi Swastika all day. This happens every time I wear this. Does no one know the difference!?
What's more, I get accused of being a white supremacist occasional as well. Just the other day I was listening to my favorite German disco group, Dshcingis Khan. A friend of mine walked in and almost had a heart attack. "Oh my gosh! You are a white guy listening to German music? Do you know how scary that is?"
I didn't.
She then began to go off on how I shouldn't listen to that becuase it looks bad. It was ok, however, to have her or a member of her race listen. This girl is from Sri Lanka, so I guess "white folk" are still an enigma to her. I was trying to defend myself and Germans when she explained to me that one can't be racist to a white person, "they started it!" I was just about to tie her to a cross and light it on fire when I thought that might just prove her point. She thinks I am some sort of Hitler sympathizer because I wear The Red Barron and like a few German songs. It didn't help when I told her about my recent trip to the Fatherland, Germany.

Ahh, Fatherland Germany!
The ironic dichotomy is that I am just as frequently accused of having Asian Fever. If I was some white supremacist, why would I date Asians? These people need to check their facts. Ok, sure the Nazis did team up with Japan for a time, but they didn't date.
I seem to have everybody's ethnocentrism in my face. I know, however, that I am completely free of that...unlike those stinkin' Krauts and Chinks...
HAHA sorry im just going to laugh. HAHAHA
I think the best way to deal with differences it to accept them. Different poeple will be different, thus, the word different. The Nazis has a lot of good ideas though.
Yeah, people, no matter what race they are, have some pretty stupid ideas. At least one thing is for sure, stupidity knows neither race, nor gender.
Good Winter Ball pics. You did not take a lot of pics, huh? Like them anyway.
As far as the shirt goes, the most important thing comes down to this...
Ya Look Good.
What more needs to be said?
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