Friday, July 07, 2006

Arizona Pit-Stop...

My stay in Arizona was even shorter than I had anticipated. Darn that International Date Line!

I was off by a day on my flight to Guam. I actually was leaving a day earlier than I originally intended on. That 24 hours makes a big difference. Still, I had time to get the basics done.

I ate Mexican food. I worked on my parent’s computer. I hung out for a day with Lamb and gave him some surplus electronics of mine. I showed the Scotfords some new tricks on the computer which I showed them last time and will show them again the next time I come. I set up some home entertainment stuff at my sister, Ladawn’s place. And finally, I took a nap with my cat, Buska. Yup, my usual Arizona pit-stop routine.

One of the smaller routines that I always find amusing is the time when I walk into my old bedroom. As I walk in, my mom behind me always says, “Well, here it is. Just the way you left it. I didn’t touch a thing.” By this she means, “When the kids were in here playing around, I didn’t do a thing.”

I’m amused that I find old fake plants from the 70’s and books from my mother and father’s collection on every flat lying surface I can find. Since I know my mom didn’t touch it, I can only assume that the StarTrek beaming technology of transportation is alive and well in my house. That would also explain why when my mom wants to keep something safe, she teleports it to a “safe” location. Unfortunately, even she is not aware of where that is. Somewhere in Mexico there is a family with a shrine around a “magic” table where random goods from my house occasionally appear. Although they thank Mother Mary for it, they should be thanking Mother Bodine.

Not being privy to the teleportation technology of my mother, I did my best to pack up what I could for Guam. My last night, I was up until 8am packing and getting boxes ready to ship. I had to leave some things behind that I wanted to keep, but c’est la vie.

All things being mostly done, I was dropped off at the airport ready to leave. At the counter I was asked if I would accept a bump for one night. That would give me the extra day I needed and $500 credit for ATA flights (worth $5 is my opinion of that airline). I had a connecting flight in Honolulu which I would miss. I decided that I needed to get rolling with my job in Guam. I declined. As I was boarding my flight, again in that infamous suit, I was eager to be going.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I do know where I put things. I don't mess in or up your room, and I try to keep the kids out. I think dad may have placed books in your room, because I did not. However, you have me on the disappearing closet gifts. It must be the menahooniese.

Jared said...

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that "anonymous" is mom? Could it be?