Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Furnature Owners...

Today, Anna and I enter the real world of adults. As newly weds, all of our furniture came included with our apartment. But now, we actually OWN some of it! Wow. We are soo grown up.

Well, our first couch is purple, so maybe we are making that transition slowly. I know, purple couch? Yes. But before you freak out, see it. Somehow, it acutally fits in nicely.

And, to go the extra mile, we also have our very own dinner table. We've made sure it was covered in Anna's study stuff to add realism in this shot.

Unfortunately, Anna was recently playing with some new nail polish and remover she got for Christmas while sitting at our table. There will always be that dime sized hole in the varnish now to remind us that beauty is skin deep.

What exciting purchases lay in the future for us? Who knows. Maybe a bed. Or Some adult appliance like a washer and dryer combo. What I do know is that the more we accumulate now, the more we'll have a hard time getting rid of when we move anyway...

1 comment:

Allison said...

How exciting! I like the couch and table! How fun! I love new stuff!!!