Anna and I went on a hike recently and on the way spotted some red seeds that the locals use to make red rice. We've had it a number of times, but we had to try to make our own. The local red rice is more than just rice colored red, it has a unique taste. Despite it's looks, it taste nothing like Mexican style rice. Often it has added onions and some pig fat. We chose to mix in some bacon instead. It was really good.
Home made red rice.
One of the local foods I've always liked is breadfruit. It's a fruit that grows in a tree but has a starchy, almost potato-like taste to it. Traditionally it is cooked in coconut milk. But I've also had it as a delicious substitute for french fries.
Breadfruit Fries
I also buy breadfruit chips when I can, but Anna eats them so fast, I couldn't even get a pic of it.
Recently, Anna and I saw some local yellow watermelon for sale. I had to get it just because it was like nothing I've seen before. It tasted very sweet. I think I like it more than the regular old red stuff.
Red and Yellow Watermelon
My last trip to Palau I even got to try a food that is illegal most places. Fresh Sea Turtle. Three months a year in Palau there is a legal Sea Turtle eating season. I couldn't let a trip there during the season go to waste. The serving I had was cooked in coconut milk. But I have to say, it was much better than I would have guessed. Almost like a pork and beef dish.
Sea Turtle cooked in coconut
I recently was given a food from Japan. I don't know what the label calls it, but I call it Cake-in-a-Can.
In case you were wondering, it wasn't as good as real cake. It's like the difference between fresh peaches and caned peaches.
And it goes without saying that you almost always have to wash food in the islands down with a fresh coconut.