Saturday, January 28, 2006


I've come to realize that in my old age, I seem to have the ability to become agitated more easily than ever before. Every day I find something that annoys or agitates me. For this cause, I have decided to find an even more perfect venting utility than my precious blog. I will venture into the realm of podcasting. I will call it, my P.O.'d-cast.

I have not begun work on it yet. In fact, I have a good P.O.'d-cast right now on broken computers in the reserve. Since my computer is not operational at the moment, I can't work on the podcasts. Rest assured, that when I do have the sufficient means, I will most defiantly have some good things to vent on.

To name a few:

  • People who insist on waiting in their cars for you to cross the street.
  • The prevailing notion that one must say, "Bless you" to every schmuck that can't handle a bit of dust in their nose
  • People who leave comments on other peoples blogs only because they want someone to visit theirs
  • Teachers that try to be cool, but only tell the worst of old jokes, making you feel responsible to laugh desipite your desire to cringe

The list goes on. Unfortunately, I have to keep my disgruntled feelings to myself for the time being. Thanks to HP support, my computer is really DOA, I wasn't just making that up. When that crisis is sorted out, I shall begin work on my exciting venture. If you have something that really makes you gripe, feel free to share it. Whether it be everyday stuff or something somewhat more specific. If I can find some way to relate to it, it might make the perfect fodder that I need.

And you thought I complained a lot before...


Anonymous said...

I got one, how about excessively negative people. They Really get on my nerves ;)

Rossie said...

Things that drive me nuts include:

Food left on plates when it would have taken 8 seconds to scrape the stupid thing before stacking it on the sink.

People saying 'aks' instead of 'ask'.

Extreme bikini waxing.

E.Marie said...

haha. i get PO'd being an RA. Once you start reminescing on that you should be good for ten years. imm and sisters calling you at 6am thinking you were ahead even though she has lived here the last three years...
See you round