I'm back from my week on Guam. I really enjoyed it. It was more hot and humid than expected. I was expecting it to be more like Hawaii. Still, it's not as hot as Arizona. They say Arizona is better because it's a dry heat. Whatever. Baked or broiled, you're still getting cooked.
As soon as I landed the first thing I saw was a big welcome sign outside the airport that said "Hafa Adai." When I went into the airport this picture was my first greeting:

The welcome sign at the Guam Airpot
Thanks to the guys that I'll work with, I was able to get a feel for the culture and history of Guam pretty well. I have a ton to learn, but it was a nice crash course. This is what the flag looks like:

The Guam flag (quilted)
All over the island you see the same shape reapeated over and over:

The famous Latte stones of Guam
The Latte stones are a part of Chamorro history (sorry, but I'm sure I'm spelling Chamorro wrong). They are the native inhabitants of Guam. No one is really sure what these stones were used for. Many believe they were used as foundations for homes. I think they were used as pillars for that gladiator game where you try to whack each other off the podium with the giant Q-tip. You know the game.
I found some places that I might like to live in. I met some great people. I attended what might be my new branch and I got a crash course in what my work will be. All in all, I like it. I think I'm going to like calling Guam my home.

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