Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter 2008

This last Easter came and went with little to no fanfare. I think that's partially because Easter was so early in the year. I figured that since April 6 was on a Sunday this year that I'd be the actual holiday.

Anna didn't have Easter in Vietnam growing up and we have no kids to make it exciting, so there were no baskets. But, there was something that we did. Two years ago when we were just dating, we made Easter Eggs together. That part of the tradition we are sold on.

Here are our creations this year:

J <3 A

I <3 J part 1I <3 J part 2

Anna the King

Blue LambBlue Bunny

Chick w Egg

SailingRed, White and Blue


I liked this egg. It broke while being boiled, so I tried to make the most of it.

My sister saw these on Flickr. She said that you could tell we didn't have kids because there are no pics of making the eggs, just the eggs alone. Yeah, well, when you have kids you care more about the making process and therefore the eggs never look that good anyway. But, as you can see, these are clearly of the utmost professional quality.


Allison said...

How cute!!!

Anonymous said...

What? It has been this long and Bodine Baby Making Machine is not up and going.
