"Well maybe I overshot a little, because I was aiming at just enough to keep you from walking out."
- Jack Nicholson as Melvin Udall in As Good As It Gets (1997)
Yesterday, September 28, 2004 was what they call the Mid-Autumn Festival. It's more of a traditional Chinese thing, but Anna told me one day that I had to do something special for her on that day. I didn't know why. I asked JD if he knew of anything special about that day. I'm glad he served a mission in Hong Kong.
This is the day of the year that the full moon is it's fullest. I hear that Moon Cake is the thing to eat and watching the moon is the thing to do on this day. Not to put a damper on the day, but I thought that the moon looked more full the night before.
JD and I decided to make this a sort of double date, Anna with me and Leslie with him. I promised Anna that I'd do something special and I didn't want to be anything short of it.
JD and I went to our only outlet for shopping in this tiny little town, foodland. With a name like foodland you know it's chincy. At least there is no question as to what products they have to offer.
We bought some Ice cream, candles and cups. Then I bought a single long stem orange rose. They say that orange is "friendship". I figure a rose is a rose and let the girl decide what she wants it to mean for herself. Orange was a good choice for other reasons. We came up for a sort of pet name for Anna. It's Pixie Stick. She is almost the same build. We also decided she'd be an orange one. I have a pic of her in her Polynesian Cultural Center (PCC) uniform and other pics of her in orange shirts; she is definatly orange.
Then I picked up Anna from her last class with my backpack full of stuff. We walked behind the temple to the lookout (she told me she had never been there before). There I unfolded some blankets and pulled out the long stem rose with a dozen orange pixie stix in the mix.

Anna with her Pixie Stix Rose behind the temple
I also had a bottle of grape sparkling cider that I won in an elephant gift party last Christmas that I have been saving for a special occasion. I brought it but she thought it'd be nice to save for the night with JD and Leslie.
After we got back to campus I had to work. Once I finnished work I put together a D.J. style CD for Anna. Then JD and I suited up again and left to a quiet beach. We walked in the dark most of the way and then had the girls stay behind us for a second. JD and I then set up 2 spots on the sand and surrounded them with candles. We escorted the girls to the matts and shared a bucket of Ben and Jerry's "Cherry Garcia" per couple.

JD and Leslie enjoying the ice cream

Anna and I enjoying the night
Following some star/moon gazing and sparkler burning we headed home slowly and very tired. We never drank the sparkling cider, so it will again have to wait for yet another speical occasion.
According to Anna, I succeeded in making the day speical and did a great job of it. Too bad, I was just shooting for good enough to not get her mad at me for one day. I over did myself. Now if she asks for something again, I have work hard to beat that. Stupid me, when will I learn to keep that darn bar low!