- Malay Chicken
People...er...soilent green...er...Malay Chicken...that's it.
- Sweet and Sour Soy Chicken Burger (BBQ flavor)
Sweet and Sour Soy Chicken Burger (BBQ Flavour)
- Chicken Adobe
- Fish (and I mean the whole fish, eyes to entrails)
Fish Heads, Fish Heads, Rollie Pollie Fish Heads...
- Fish and Chips and Fries
- Lamb Curry
Lamb Curry (Notice the Oompaloompa femur bone to the right)
- Meat Suprise Foil Dinner
Foil Meat Suprise (dramtic recreation)
And my personal all time favorite served just before I left for Europe...
A shipment just came in from Iraq for next weeks dinner...Camel Spider Flambe

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