It was a typical bathroom as far as guy's rooms go. This was one of those bathrooms that mercifully does have separators between the urinals. Without it one feels like a cow at a trough, except you leave water, you don't take it.
What seemed odd to me was what I noticed on the wall right as you enter. It was dispenser. I have seen these before. Any truck stop in America has them. But when I looked closer this was not a regular dispenser. It wasn't riddled with condoms, sex toys and other such family fun. No, this had something far worse...candy!

A Condy Dispenser
What's this? We have candy/condom dispensers now? Yikes! I know that the first thing I do when I walk into a public restroom is think about eating in there. I think it would be great if we had hot dog venders, too--like the ones at ball games. Some guy on the end could order a dog with everything and we could hand it down from the first urinal to the last. Some peckish lad in toilet three could have it tossed over the door or we could hand it under the walls to him, one by one. The guy that starts that business would be able to put his kids through college.
I feel sorry for the guy who used the machine and expected a condom when he selected "Sour Ropes." But not as much as I feel sorry for the kid that expected liquorish when he selected "Black Rod."
Arizonians are weird...but Merry Christmas anyway.
Oh wow! I saw those kind of things in Taiwan too!
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