IS Department and Graduates
The direct translation of Magna Cum Laude is actually "with great praise," but the intent is to mean "with great honor." And that is what I will be graduating with. Unfortunately, I only get the certificate. There will be no special tassel or addition to my robe for it. I guess I'll have to paint a smiley face on the top of my hat or something to stand out at graduation.
Tonight we had a banquet for all of the graduating School Of Computing students. Each student in attendance was introduced and a bit about them was told. Since there were not that many in attendance, it was not too overwhelming.
I never received an email that asked me to tell a bit about myself, so Don Colton (the IS chair) had to wing it. He said some nice things about me. I think it went well. He did leave out the fact that I was his favorite student, but I'll let that slide.
It's all getting very real now. The past few weeks have been coming upon me fast. Before I know it, it will all be a memory. As much as I had moments where I wanted nothing more than to leave, I know I will miss it here.
There is one thing I won't miss. The grades. Only Magna Cum Laude? What about Summa Cum Laude? I want to be "with highest honor." If it wasn't for the stupid "A-" I'd have a much higher GPA. Pfft. For that, I'm leaving as of this month and never spending another dollar on tuition here again.

almost done... Now thats no fair... well I suppose it is. You have been there much longer then me.
Way to go you smarty pants! You are such a good guy!
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