Wednesday, January 26, 2005

The Great Chorale Experiment...

As known to those who are familiar with me already, I have three cardinal rules of dating. They are as follows:
1. Don't let her see you without your shirt on.
2. Don't let her see you try to dance.
3. Don't let her hear you try to sing.

The third is the most recent. If you look back at a previous blog, you will see how it developed. There is an unspoken fourth which stipulates, "And especially don't combine any at any time!"

Now, I come out of my shell some and throw caution to the wind as I rent movies on a weekday instead of the weekend...oh, wait...that's not it. No, I will now be breaking my cardinal rule regularly.

I joined Men's Choir on campus. Believe it or not, I actually am doing it. Wish me luck.

For those who think me a turn coat, in my defense the three rules are for dating and do not necessary apply to other circumstances. The only problem is that if all of these girls hear me try to sing, I will ruin my chances. Truth be told, I like to sing. I really enjoy it. The problem is that I sound like a baby being hit with a cat when I do. The method behind my madness is, however, sound (no pun intended). In a choir, as long as we sound good as a whole, my individual performance will not be enough to incriminate me. In fact, it might make girls think that I am better than I am.

Some girl may want to make me prove myself for a private sitting. This is a risk I run. As long as I sing on my terms, I might just come out on top. So, for now, my cardinal rules still apply, but now the last one is altered, it will have a simple line through it, but it will not be stricken from the record.

1. Don't let her see you without your shirt on.
2. Don't let her see you try to dance.
3. Don't let her hear you try to sing.

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