Thursday, April 28, 2005

My Flat Buddy And Me...

I recently had a visitor here. I have had family and friends before. This time, it's a visitor like I've never had before. His name is Flat Hunter. If you are unfamiliar with the story of Flat Stanley, then you might be lost. Long story short, a kid gets squashed flat and gets mailed all around the globe and has amazing adventures. Well, my nephew, Hunter, recently got squashed as well. As a result of his current physical status, he decided to travel. He had some great options: Mesa, AZ; Tucson, AZ; Germany (with no hope of return); or worst yet - Queen Creek, AZ. Oh, wait, the coolest uncle in the world is currently living in Hawaii. That about sums up why I've had a visitor with me for the last few weeks.

Flat Hunter came to me a bit too flat. I cut out some cardboard in his image and taped the lad to it. Now he can stand on his own two legs. In the time I've had him he's seen the entire length and breadth of the island of Oahu. He was in a car that was broken into and vandalized, he almost got blown away over some of the most windy cliffs in the world, and he has had little sleep. Here is just a short snapshot of our last two weeks together.

Flat Hunter Arrives


Royal Hawaiian Greeting

Guess Which One Is Flat Hunter

Trying On Chinaman's Hat

Blown Away At The Pali Lookout

Only Witness To A Crime...And He Refuses To Talk About It

Adult Humor

One is known for riding around the island on a piece of flat board...the other is a surfer...

USS Arizona Memorial

Hunter's Favorite experience

Going all of these places has really drained me. I also became envious a few times of Hunter. That girl in the bikini would never talk to me. The veterans at the Arizona would not talk to me. The photographer at the PCC wouldn't let me get a picture on my own camera, only Flat Hunter. And not only that, but every where we went, I had to pay and he got in for free. I guess it's true, there is a prejudice against us "plus size" people. I bet if I had a physique of Flat Hunter or Kate Moss I'd get the sweet life like him too. Hm...I wonder if that Atkins diet really works...


E.Marie said...

No way. I am taking a flat Stanley with me on the cruise for my sister, this thing is a phenomenon because my dad just finished taking my cousins one around aswell. when did that happen to your car that really bites. And have a safe trip home today. today was when you were leaving right?
I should be heading home talk to you later and safe traveling.

teamwebb said...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for leting flat Hunter going on some great adventers!!!