Sunday, May 01, 2005

Jared's "Menace In Mesa"...

Please put your keyboards down as the time has expried and the new blog name will now be revealed.

Jared's "Menace In Mesa"

Kudos to Fei Min Chong for comming up with the name. Another kudos goes out to Rosie for adding "Menace Of Mesa" which I liked as much or more, but sounded odd following "Jared's" in the title. Fei, please come to Mesa, AZ to claim your prize in the next four months prior to the time that this blog is changed back to "Lost In Laie" or your award will then become null and void.

Thank you to all of you for your suggestions. Some of my favorite were:
  • mustard (so odd it has to be good)
  • manure (i've been told that's what this blog is anyway)
  • misery (but that sounded a bit too depressing)
  • misfortune (cool, but a downer)
  • melancholy (again, too depressing)
  • misunderstood (read some of my more controversial blogs and you'll see how well this one fits)
  • meanderings (Good call, Webbkid, this was actually what I was planning on naming this blog before I asked for advice)
  • and
  • Marooned (just a cool and appropriate name; maybe if I ever live in Mililani)

I do think it would be good to add that Brigham Young said that it was PAST the age of 25 and single, not AT the age of 25 that meant menace, but I still like the sound of it anyway. The way things are looking, I will make menace status anyway. Unless I have any volunteers to see to it that I don't...


Fei said...

I win!!! I win!!! Alliteration's always awesome!

B-b-but - I already went to Mesa 2 years ago! In the same season too. Seriously. Your measley little prize could not be worth the scorching desert heat. 115 degress. *choke* What was I thinking?!

I actually tried to look up the original quote by Brigham Young but couldn't find it - just people quoting it in a 100 different ways. If it really is "past the age of 25" it really is ambiguous and can be interpreted to our advantage. And in this case, it is advantageous that you are now offcially a menace.

Congratulations! As consolation, you get to keep my prize money.

Rossie said...

When I read that '115 degree heat' thing I nearly choked...then I remembered we use celcius down here. Hehe. Don't I feel a little silly.
And if it's Jared's "Menace in Mesa" or Jared: The Menace of Mesa, I'm sure you'll have plenty of volunteers to try and convince you to mend your ways and settle down. Good luck - I found that the best weapon was a flat stare and a scary, impassive face. The obsessive match makers tend to back off slowly...

Jared said...

Ya, Rossie, I tried that flat stare and scary thing, but if the person knows me well enough to tease me about it they know that it's not really the way I am so it has no effect. I might change it to Menace of Mesa later if it suits my fancy.

Fei, was it really 115 when you came here? I'd guess more like 120... well, who knows, once it gets hot enough to cook an egg on the sidewalk that's about when I quit looking at the thermostat.

Anonymous said...

Jared many apply for the status of keeping you from menace, (the last thing we want is you to be a menace) but few suceeed past that first interview :)