This last series of about 10 days or so have been very intense and busy. Hence no posts. I apologize for the drought. During the past week I had some close shaves.
One night I was working until late. I had a midterm that I needed to take right after work. The testing center closes at 11pm and won't let you in past 10:30. I was supposed to get off of work at about 9. One person after another kept coming in with computer problems and such. Finally, I finished everything I was doing and started to head home with some friends. One of my friends says to the other, "So, do you want to get together and study for that midterm?"
My mind made a connection. "Midterm. Midterm...why does that sound familiar...Oh-my-gosh-I'm-supposed-
I checked my watch. It was 10:28. I had no time to waste. I grabbed my backpack and sprinted to the testing center. I was in such a rush I didn't slow down to put my backpack on, I just kept running.
I dashed into the door and threw my wallet at the employee so he could find my ID and get me started on the test. As I threw my backpack down and grabbed a pen the guy casually looks at me, then my ID, then the clock. In a very nonchalant way he says, "Hm. Thirty seconds to spare. Not bad."
I got my test. The guy looks at me in a serious manner and informs me that the teacher expects the test to take about two hours. I had less than half an hour left until the testing center closed.
I wrote like no man has written before. I was literally writing on my test still as I was handing it in to the test proctor. Two other girls in my class were walking out with me. They were talking about how long they spent on the test. One took two hours. The other two and an half. Then they asked me. I looked at my watch. "Uh, about...twenty eight minutes..." Their jaws dropped. They must have thought I was a god.
I still don't know what my grade will be, so hold your applause.
The day before I did an entire five page research paper. Ya, just one day. Less actually. I was talking with Anna who is in the same class. She asked me how my paper was going. "What paper?" That's never a good question.
I found out about noon. The day before the paper was due. That gave me almost 24 hours exactly in which to do it. I also had work that night until midnight, so things were complicated.
On my break, I went to the library and got my resources. After work I went home and read my resources and annotated my bibliography until about 2:30am. I woke up at 8am to resume. I didn't stop to eat, shower, or pass gas. I had work to do.
I typed my last period at about noon. I had less than half an hour to get to school, print my paper and hand it in. I walked into my classroom at 12:30 sharp. It was very good paper if I do say so myself.
Long story shot (I know, too late), my hell week is mostly over and now I can start to actually enjoy the jubilee events on campus.
Oh, one more thing. One night, to keep myself from going insane, I took a break and checked out a site where I can submit a picture of me and it will tell me what I will look like in the future. I submitted a picture taken when I was 13. Here are some good results:

This is what I was supposed to look like two years ago. I guess not that far off, except the braces have long since been gone.

I don't know how I got from that top pic to this in only 20 years! Yes, this is what I should look like 30 years from my 13 year old mug. That's a scare that Jennifer Garner in 13 Going In 30 would not have been prepared for...

1 comment:
Does that site who did the age thing think people have braces for 30 years or what? Thats very interesting. What's the site? Keep us posted on your grade for that midterm and paper. I think it would be so awesome if you got an A. I'm not sure I could pull a D doing it all so fast. Good luck!
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