Sunday, April 06, 2008

Wife vs. Slave...

Ever since my infamous post called "American Woman..." people have been second guessing my attitude toward and perception of women. I've been accused of being everything from an activist to a zealot. General consensus usually lands on chauvinist.

It dawned on me years ago that people assume that about me when they see Anna and me in public. When we are alone, Anna is always quick witted, free spirited and surprisingly verbose. But in a group, even among friends, she becomes more reserved. So, all people see is this white dude walking around with a silent Asian geisha that does his bidding.

I'd like to tell myself that I don't care what people think, but who wants to be known like that? From this small electronic soap box I get to defend myself from time to time. Having been married over a year now I'm confident that while I may not be the worlds best husband, I'm a pretty good one. I'd like to think that I'm fairly on par with modern gender equality.

I don't think a wife is a slave, nor should be one. In fact, while talking with Anna about this the other day, I had an epiphany that even Oprah couldn't disagree with.

There is a big difference between a wife and a slave. A slave does whatever you want leaving you with no guilt. A wife has you do whatever she wants and manages to make you feel guilty.

Can I get a copyright on that quote?

1 comment:

Allison said...

You are funny! I known you for along time and I've never thought you'd be a bad husband. I'm sure you are a great one!