Not long after I finnished up my last post called "Fall Bawl" I got a phone call from Fei. She wanted to go to Fall Ball and nothing would get in her way.
She decided that she was going to buy tickets, hop on the shuttle and go alone if it came down to it. She asked a few friends and the only other person she got was Rachael. I was relunctant. I was at work in the lab and was not supposed to leave. Chris Rusch and I got some pies and other food. We planed on haning out, watching movies and having a good time feeding off eachothers sour moods. After she asked enough and asked me to go for her, my will turned into some form of jell-o and I changed my mind.
Chris still did not want to go, but was more than willing to release me into the night. I left him with some food and movies, a code for the alarm and my ID for punching me out at midnight. He was "Jared Proxy" for the night. Thanks a ton to Chris.
We got home and dolled myself up. Once in a suit, I decided we needed leis. I had two. One was a plastic one I got from a birthday party. The other was the kukui nut lei Fei gave me when I took the ambassador tour at PCC. I wore the kukui lei. On my way to the girls' hale to pick up my two dates, Fei and Rachael, I saw that someone had discarded a plastic box used for fresh leis. The cheap plastic one looked nice in it. Before I even had to worry about which of my two dates to give it to, Fei insisted that she didn't want it. I was expecting that and was ready to lei Rachael. She made it into a wrist style band.
Fei did however have something for me to wear. She had on a purple dress that she originally bought a year and a half ago to go to a ball with me. It was never used by her before this night. She handed me a shawl to use for a matching tie. I didn't have tie that quite fit, but the shawl was the same material. Can't go wrong.
My Makeshift Tie
We were hoping that the shuttle would not be full and that our efforts would not be in vein. On this campus, “shuttle” is a fancy way of saying “cheap rented school busses”. The cheap rented school bus was pretty full looking. There were just a very few seats left. We managed to get in. I was the last to board the bus. There were only 2 spaces left. One empty bench and one girl sitting alone. I sat on the empty bus as my two dates sat together. I knew Fei would NOT sit with me. I would hate to see Racheal feeling left out sitting alone looking at Fei and me. I would also hate to be seeing Fei in the same situation. I think it was the best possible solution.
It was a nice place. We ran around saying hi to everybody. Most of our friends were pretty surprised that we were there. We just decided to go two hours ago; we were surprised too. We took some pics and then met up with Su and her date King Sik. (I think I’m spelling it wrong, but it is phonetically spelled for your convenience.)
My Two Dates
We found her in the Latino room, so we danced there. It was odd deciding who to dance with. I can’t dance with both at once. I had a load of fun danicng Su, Fei and Rachael in throughout the night. I broke cardinal rule #2 which about public display of dancing. It figured it was crowded enough and dark enough and could make an exception just this once.
We stopped dancing for a time to see the magic show. I couldn’t help but lean over to Fei and tell her each trick that I knew. I had even done some of these tricks for classes, small groups, etc. I liked the way he did them. He took the same tricks I knew and put a new twist on them. On others I was amazed. I even got to participate in one of his tricks. I don’t know how he did mine. It was a good one. I'd like to tell you, but I won't.
After that it was more dancing. We walked by the booty dancing room. We never went in. Being in a group and having an odd number of people, it would make more sense. This way we could dance as a group and not have to pair off. I am glad we didn’t. I don’t come out of my "don’t dance" shell often, but I wanted to dance. I have finally become comfortable with dancing with a girl this style. I don’t do well in "just shake and look stupid" dancing yet. So, as a result, I wanted to stay Latino. We did. I also have to admit that I like it. I do like dancing when I know what to do or how to dance. And as a secret guilty pleasure, it is the only way I can get these girls to give me any physical contact and it’s totally OK and socially acceptable. When else would, say, Su let me touch her stomach. I’ve said too much. But it’s true. I like dancing for a few reasons, but one is that you feel close to the person you dance with. It’s not some sicko perverted kind of "oh, I get to put my hands on her" thing. I don’t know. I probably should just move on to the next subject.
After frequently switching back and forth between Fei, Su and Rachel I saw Fera, Anna’s roommate dancing. I was feeling devenaire, so I went up to her and asked to cut in. She was dancing with some girl I’d never seen before, not her boyfriend, so I felt comfortable doing it. She was reluctant at first. We took each other’s hands and started to…uh…I don’t know what the dances are called yet. We moved forward and backward. I started to do some moves. I then realized that she had no idea how to dance except for the forward and backward movement. I actually was dancing with someone who need to learn steps from ME! I was teaching someone else. I was better than the girl I was dancing with! I was the one actually leading! It’s not that she is a bad dancer, in fact, I think she is a good dancer, she just didn’t know the moves yet. We danced the whole song and by the end I had her knowing a few moves (mostly all of what I knew). It wasn’t just that I was the one in control, but it was nice to dance without worrying about keeping up with the girl. Less pressure. I think it was one of the best, if not the best, dance of the night for me. Fera is fun when she wants to be.
Next thing I knew it was almost 1am and time to go. The lead singer in the band said that they had one last song. Following the dance we walked out and decided to take some pics of me dipping the girls before we got on the bus.

Dipping Fei
Dipping Rachael
We got on the bus. Guess who sat alone again. You guessed it.
When we arived home we all walked to the girls hale’s and had a rousing round of hugs and "good-night"s. I walked home glad that I had gone. It was fun. To Fei’s relief, I did not get the wrong idea. I felt better than I would have if I had sat at home or in the lab with Chris feeding on each other’s misery. It was not my wildest dreams come true but it was a nice break from feeling sorry for myself. I went from Fall Bawl to Fall Blast in only a matter of hours. It was fun but now I have a whole new problem. I have one less thing to kavetch about.
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