Once the part got rolling I realized how many slacker RA's we have. I'd like to take this time to publicly thank those RA's that pulled their weight in making sure that others had more work to do. These RA's are (in no paticular order):
- Stasha Kemp - She felt that she should play on the beach with her club instead of donig her job! Way to Go!
- Sean Neufer - He felt that since he was in the hale office on Saturday, he was exempt from doing his job as well even though all the other RA's who worked that day came.
- You-Shik - MIA, as usual. And as usual, no one knows why, where or how.
- David Layzia...er...Laozia - He took care of the business he had to in five minutes, then went to his room where JD caught his sleeping THREE HOURS later! He came back after being told to go just in time to see that we were done. KUDOS!
- Quin Esparte - He did the same thing as You-shik, only this guy was seen by one of the hale moms and asked to come. He still didn't. Thanks a lot chet!
- Chris - Rumor has it that he was on a hike for his class. We can accept that.
- Ed - He had a prior engagement with a soccer game, and came to me in advance asking if it was ok. He then came to the dance so sick he was throwing up. I had to tell him he needed to go home, he was committed and is only on this list becuase he was not there, but he is not a slacker.
To be fair, there are two others that were not there:
Once we were set up, I went to get lunch and ready for the day. My costume was not my first pick, the balerina, but I found a reasonable substitute.

If this costume can get as many girls as it did last night, I'm gonna wear it 24/7
Others had some good costumes as well.

Chris as an RM in church and Anna as a Vietnamese Girl. Could have fooled me

Kelsey is a way good and spooky Goth chick

Shem already looks Mexican, might as well be one...

Ain't she just cute?! She should have worn mine and I bet I'd fit well in her costume...

I don't think Judge or Heather fit in here. This makes me wonder about by selection of friends
Fei had two.

You can see that this Mail Order Bride is so light she only takes three stamps

Eerie how she looks really pregnet. The pic dosen't do it justice. She does look good pregant. We are pretty sure it's the guy from iTunes that says she is a bad kisser.
He sister Su makes a wonderful psycho, don't she?

A woman on each arm...still, not quite what I'm after.
In the midst of the party, Beth asked me where the door that was supposed to be at the front desk was. No one knew. We had paid the Aloha Center Front Desk folk a good amount of money to make sure that only students with current ID's made it in. She was to give them a stamp so they could go get some food. Turns out this supid broad went to dance in the party, abondoning her post and taking the stamp. Anybody was walking in, and we had many people who were not supposed to be there. Many students who wanted to get food could not becuase the stamp was gone. I watched the door for half an hour and then some great RA's took over for the rest of the night. We want our money back and I wante her fired.
At 11 when everyone was supposed to leave, no one wanted to go. We had the whole place packed! That meant longer to clean up. We banded to together to get the job done. Well, some were less active in the cleanup. But the award for the least amount of effort has to go to David who left five minutes before the party ended and did NOTHING to help us again. You'd think with all the extra sleep and rested energy he'd have that he would be able to get up for church the next day like the rest of us RA's who did work were able to do. He gets the "Jared Bodine Semi-Annual Lazyier than a Dead Sloth Award" for Fall of 2004! Congratulations!
The good news is that we finnished before midnight and I was home by curfew. I walked Anna home (who won't even give me a friendly good night hug anymore) and went to bed. I was going to join my friends for a movie, but I was in a bad mood and was tired. I just went to bed.
I might have been busy for much of the party, and did have to be the bad man getting people on the ball and such, but all in all, I think it was a good party. It could have been worse. It was better than last year when Sadie shot me down for Halloween for the trick...there was no treat.
I think that I did have some good friends to make it good. The RA Roz was great. JD did a good job making the iffy games work. Beth was as busy working as could be and did her job as Co-chair, not letting it all rest on me. Others did a good job as unsung heros...and I'm tired of shootin' off names, so we'll keep it unsung. The point is, if it weren't for these good friends that helped and cared for me, I know that I would have lost it entirely. Now I just have to keep it together for the rest of this semester as it will be one depressing holiday after another until Valentine's day ends again.
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