To get us warmed up, we went to Downtown Disney outside of the park the day before. Rob and Wendy got the kids a Build-A-Bear, getting warmed up for the spending that was about to come.

The first of many, many pictures take at Disneyland

The sign that greets you into Disneyland: The Happiest Place On Earth.

I'm too sexy for my hat...

No, we did not reenact Lady and the Trap. I forgot that she dosen't like Cinnamon. Oh well, more Churro for me.

Finally, a car that Anna can drive!

Disneyland's self proclaimed Famous Grizly Peak

A shot of California Adventure

Crazy Fun ride, the "Hollywood Tower Of Terror". I highly recomend it.

Somehow Anna got the impression that the tighter she pulled my shirt the safer she would be on the ride. The good news is that I did not need a seatbelt because she was holding me down so tight.

A great real life representation of the Toy Soldiers from Toy Story. I want this for my next Halloween costume!

This is the ride that recently had an accident injuring 30+ and sending 14 to the hospital. Anna vows to never go on it again.

He is about 5 times heavier than he looks. By the end of the two days, we were all wasted...except him.
We drove back the night of our second day at Disneyland. Rob and I were both on the verge of driving with our dreams. I kept on feeling like I was on Peter Pan's ride, looking down at small cars and streets from above. We stopped at a gas station about 12:30 am and I tried my first energy drink. I tried "Adrinaline". I don't think it did a thing for me. Maybe I didn't drink enough. All I know is that when I finally made it home after 2:30am, I had no problem getting to sleep!
After a few days of work (the day I got back and the next day for 14 hours) Anna went home and I returned to normal. Now all I want to do is go on more vacations...and strangely, I feel like scrapbooking the whole trip...
Looks like you had tons of fun!!! I can't wait till my kids are older and we can go! So now are you and Anna back together or what? You looked cuted together and very snug! I need an Anna update!!! Give me the juice!
fun fun at disneyland thats a great place. you need to try assualt by monster if you want a real energy drink that kicks your teeth out and works if you have to drive all night to salt lake and back.
I think I need a sign that reads the same as the Disneyland Entrance sign.
I visit yesterday, I vacation in tomorrow and I live in Fantasy.
Yay!!! Pics!!! And I'm a bit curious about Anna too! ^_^ Looks like you had a great time, I'm jealous. Wish I could go on a vacation...although I might actually be able to sooner than I thought! Hawaii, watch out! ^_^
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