The cost of gas right now has gone beyond sky high. I, for one, hate it! Why don't we just open up our Alaskan pipelines? Well, those eco-feaks mainly. My good friend JD lives up in Alaska. He tells me that those pipes actually have helped the natural wildlife as an additional shelter. Also, when a drill leaves town all they leave is an 8" hole of pipe sticking out with a cap on it. Other than that, you'd never know they were there.
Well, my friend, Lamb, and I have come up with a way to fight back at the rising cost. Please follow us in suit.

Natural Gas
Here Lamb is using all natural gas. I applaud him. While others are feeling the pinch at the pump he is pinching it off at the pump. Kudos! Let's all follow likewise and make the Middle East at our mercy for once!
Now there's a quality man... ;)
That is sooo disgusting! I can't believe you Jared. You've really out done yourself this time.
You know I looked at that picture and just thought it was sick. Then I looked again and Lamb sure seems to be enjoying that hose between his legs! Look at the smile on his face! You guys are the biggest dorks! I know you both well enough to be able to say that!!!
OMG...OMG... do know that eventhough insects produce small quantities of methane gas when they fart, Humans may not necessarily have that ability, and even if we did, we wouldn't have enough to start a car, right?
Well... maybe if you found yourself 5 feet in the air after you farted once, I wouldn't stop you
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