Saturday, June 20, 2009

Like Two Utensils In A Cupboard...

Everybody thinks they are unique - a snowflake of singularity. Truthfully, most people are just like so many, many others. Let's face it, if you've met one Canadian you've met them all.

But Anna and I are truly one of a kind. Each an individual yet a perfect compliment to the pairing and also unique as a couple. I've blogged earlier about some examples here, here, here and here.

Last night a further example came to light. Like most younger couples as they go to sleep, we hold each other close. Most would think of this as "spooning" like two spoons in a cupboard. That requires both to be in a half fetal position creating the spoon shape.

Where we differ is that we are less concave, almost flat. As we lay there talking Anna noted that we don't "spoon." I realized that we couldn't spoon. After all, she is Asian, so instead we "chopstick."

Now honestly, can you think of another pair that "chopsticks" nightly? I don't think we should stop there either. Every week we'll look through our kitchen shelves and pick new utensils to try on. The "egg beater" might be awkward but I am not looking forward to "cheese gradering."


lacey said...

May want to check your google ads. Todays ad was "Is your Man Gay?" and the question "How often do you have sex with your man?"

Unknown said...

AWWW, you guys are so cute. Weese, why are you reading those??