[Guitierrez tries to find Freakazoid's weakness, he pulls a green rock out of his cloak]
Guitierrez : What do you think, Freakazoid, one pound of the purest Kryptonite. Are you feeling weak, Freakazoid? Oh so weak?
Freakazoid : That's Superman.
Guitierrez : [pulls out a yellow pad of paper, and holds it in front of Freakazoid's face] Does the yellow hurt your eyes, Freakazoid? Are you in great pain?
Freakazoid : That's Green Lantern.
Guitierrez : Oh, that stupid man at the store!
[throws it down, picks up a glass of water and throws it in Freakazoid's face]
Guitierrez : Are you melting Freakazoid? Melting away?
Freakazoid : Thats the Wicked Witch!
Guitierrez : Look, lets try to speed things along, why don't you just tell me your weakness?
[quick cut to Freakazoid in a cage]
Guitierrez : So, Iron bars electrified with a negative current are your weakness.
Freakazoid : [to self] Dumb. Dumb. Dumb. Never tell the villain how to trap you in a cage.
Guitierrez : You probably shouldn't have helped us build it, either.
Freakazoid : I know. Dumb.
What is my weakness you ask? What can it be that would bring me down to a whimpering shell of a man in the fetal position? I never knew. I thought it was impossible.
Good guesses would be sliding down a razor blade into a pool of lemonade. Another guess is having my eyes gouged out and having lit cherry bombs put in place. Or you could guess having my feet nailed to the escalator in Ala Moana until my body is ripped underneath leaving a pile of my skin at the top, then crawling back up to throw my leather around my neck and walk out in humility only to run into anti-fur folk and be beaten by them profusely. (The last two might have been influenced by Itchy and Scratchy.)
No, my weakness is...WAXING! I cannot explain the pain! And the stupid part it, I did it to myself.
I know. Dumb.
I got this stuff called "Sugri-Wax" from Anna. JD bought some self adhesive strips from Wal-Mart. Saturday between conference sessions I heated up my wax and applied it to my stomach first. What, you may ask was running through my mind as I tore off that first strip of wax? I think my thoughts were something like this:
"AHHHH, OHHHHH, what the $%^#@$&^! are women thinking!? AHHHH EEEEEEEH When will the hurting stop?! EIEIEIEIE WOOOOOOH YA! Wow that smarts!...should I do a Brazilian wax next?"
Well, it was likely something like that. I'm not all that sure, to be honest. I didn't record too much of the event. I have my cardinal rules to enforce, such as rule 1, No taking off of the shirt. This is especially the case with posting pics on the net. So, Instead I got some low quality footage of JD waxing the same place I did, the stomach. I have yet to post the footage as JD is hesitant as I would be. Keep checking back in to see if he lets me post it.
One thing I will post is this:

This is not the hair ball from an oversized ear; this is my left overs from my waxing expirence. I think I can get some money on it from E-Bay!
Ya, this is just the hair from my stomach. After doing this much, I decided I could do no more, and shaved the rest. That area is sensitive, is hard to pull it real tight, so the skin gives and the hair is in there better than I thought. I will still do my back, but I will have someone else do it for me. I pity the person I can get to do that for me.
Lesson not learned. I will not do my stomach again, I don't think, but if the hair comes back slower and thinner, I'll keep it up on some spots. I'm not a masochist. I figure that I can make this weak thing a strong point to me.
Once I build up an immunity to this, I will be invincible!
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