Well, ok, Jessica hasn't grown all that much but you get the idea. And I'd like to say that I am SO glad that the call finally came. She has been obsessing over it for weeks. Today her mom called and left a message on my phone giving me instructions to check the mail right after lunch and call her as soon as the call comes in, "because she is driving me nuts!"
We all gathered in the dorm office because she had to work. After about 15 minutes of trying to 46 way in every person Jessica knew (I told them we should have had a dry run) we opened the call.
"Dear Sister Monson,
You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Virginia Richmond Mission."

Richmond Virginia Mission Boundaries
So read on...
"You will prepare to preach the gospel in the Spanish language.""I don't speak Spanish! Lanee, you better help me!"
So, when do you report?
"You should report to the Missionary Training Center at Provo, Utah on Wednesday, 14 July 2004.""Wait, I'm gonna miss my brother's wedding! That's before my birthday!"
My reply, "HaaaaHa!"
What's the weather like? Is it cold?

Winter and Summer in Richmond Virginia
Funny enough, that's where Jake is from. It's a shame he'll be on his mission by the time she gets there.
Well, congrats Jessica. We are all excited for you. In my mission we always said that a sister missionary is either worth two Elders or nothing. Be the one worth three.
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