Monday, July 25, 2005

Hot Enough...

Sorry to be delaying again on the story of my Disneyland trip. I have used up the limit of picture uploading to my free account and have to wait till Aug 1 to do it, but I don't want to pass up on good ideas for posts. Be patient and it will all be told. Now, on to the post:

I may be speaking too soon, but I guess I don't look that bad after all. I have had my picture posted on Hot or Not for about a year now. It's a picture of me on vacation last year in The Netherlands. That picutre has maintained a remarkably high score for men at a solid 9 (as of this post). I know that some people just go through and click "1" to move to the next or for fun, and some people click "10" for the same reason. Still, you have to admit that's a good rating. If you want to contribute to my self esteem you can see the pic here. I don't mind if you give me a low score as long as you are honest. I still would like it even more if you rated me higher.

If I get a 9.5 or so I can use it as leverage when trying to convince some unfortunate girl to marry me some day. If your "10" helps me get married, I will not even ask you to bring a gift to the reception.

If I land a modeling deal, I promise not to forget you, the little people, who made this possible.

If I wind up the host of a wildly popular reality based show, I will not let my fame or money to go my head.

If I get voted as President Of The United States Of America by popular demand, I will end all war and hunger world wide.

If I actually DO get married as a result of this, you will likely never hear from me again. Sorry, but a man has his priorities...


Davey From The Block said...

Good luck with the marriage prospects Jared.


Shaleen said...

Well, I've already gone and given you a 10, but I can always do it again!! ^_^

Su Chong said...

Good. lets get married. August 31 too soon for you? I'll be up in Provo by then...I hear there are lots of temples in Utah..pick one!

Ps. I think some people rated that picture 10 because of its BEAUTIFUL scenery in the background. You really know how to play this game don't ya =P

Jared said...

Sure, Su, but you have to come back to Hawaii for the wedding, I will be back on the 29th of Aug in good ole Hawaii!

I spoke too soon about my rating, though. I now have an 8.3 since this post...THANKS GUYS!!!

a man from Saipan said...

Dang, you did not knock on wood or something.

Good luck with the wife-hunt. Just remember the secret is to chase long enough so that they get tired and stop.

Su Chong said...

Yeah, good luck with that Justin! from Saipan..

Wow, Jared, 8.3?!? How did that happen?!

I swear, it wasn't me!!

Anonymous said...

Its been a while since I've read so this is a bit late, but given your previous entry "how gay am I" are you sure which gender it is that finds you so hot? You might not want to be so proud of that.