Tuesday, April 06, 2004

I recently had my annual physical examination, which I get once every seven years, and when the nurse weighed me, I was shocked to discover how much stronger the Earth's gravitational pull has become since 1990.
- Dave Barry in 1997

Now is a great time of improvment for everyone...around me. I know a ton of people who are getting married. I have a bunch of friends leaving to go home or to school elsewhere, leaving me with a limited number of friends. Many other friends of mine are going on missions. Watching everybody move along in life makes me wonder why I'm standing still. But it does bring me back to my yester-years to see all of my friends get ready for the mish. and getting calls.

One friend (Nathan Benson) got his call this last saturday. He got his call to the Itally Milan Mission. How cool is that? He'll be tracting in a gondola. "Bap-tize - a - mia!"
Another freind (Lehua Deckert) has had er papers in for 5 weeks now and still has not got a responce. She's going nuts waiting.
Yet another freind (Jake Tanner) is still getting toghether his paper work. He's close to sending them in.
One other freind (Jessica Monson) is now just in the thick of of preperation. She was lucky enough today to have her physical. When I ran into her today she looked like she had been viloated. I asked her if she felt the guy should have bought her dinner first. She nodded. Jake on the other hand got a few physicals...We think he's addicted.

I think it's ironic that they require such events for leaving missionaries when the same act done by any other person would be the very thing keeping you from going.

Still, it's been a while since I have had a physical. I haven't even had my lips looked at in...well, it's going on a year. I think it's time for a check up.

...I wonder if Dr. Jellyfingers is still our family practishioner?

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