Thursday, April 15, 2004


"I am so smart, I am so smart. S-M-R-T...I mean S-M-A-R-T..."
- Homer Simpson in Homer goes back to college

For my loyal blog readers, you might know that I used that same quote last semester to brag about my good grades. I even had a 109% in one class. This semseter things are different. I have a 97% in a computer class. I even have an "A" in my Accounting class which I hate. But I stung hard, by my stupid Discrete Math class. I wasn't kidding as much as I thought I was when I said that it was just a subtle way to fail me.

I realized that the only way I could turn this around and not make this totally destroy my weaking 4.0 GPA was to re-take it. But in the infinate wisdom of BYU-Hawaii administration, a student cannot take a class over unless he gets a D+ or lower. At first I thought that would not be a problem for me. Turns out that sometimes I am just a smidge too smart! I took a test that I didn't try too hard for, but ended up getting a good grade. A grade that made it so I might get a "C"! I'm already signed up for the class, I can get a "B" or maybe a low "A" if I retake it, so I can't risk that.

I actually went to the teacher to see how close to a "C" I could get without actually getting one. We decided I need to stop doing any homework. Man, that's ruff. I also need to take the next to finals, but not do any better than a low "B". I think I can do that.

You never know how much you cannot acheive until you fail to try. And they say you never learn valuable life lessons in college...

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