To try to give the most authentic feel of AZ that we could, my parents took the whole gang out to the desert. There we saw more of the nothing that we saw on the road from Vegas. But this time, we had to pay to see it.

We did however see a real ghost town. It’s become some sort of phony tourist trap, but it’s still neat to see. Anna and I saw a sign for the justice of the peace. We were tempted to get married then and there to put all of the hassle and frustration of the wedding behind us. Here is a pic of what that wedding would have looked like:
We also picked up some genuine cactus candy. It’s funny how we only get that kind of stuff when we have people from out of town. For those of you living in AZ, when is the last time you bought cactus candy? That’s what I thought.
We also went to the Mesa Museum. There we saw more nothing, but in a heated place. While looking at the dinosaur fossils Anna learned something: that dinosaurs were real. This whole time she thought they were made up. My fiancĂ©e has now graduated Suma Cum Laude and she didn’t know that dinosaurs were real! I think that maybe my GPA was slightly lower, but I win the contest of wits after this! Since I had her in a venerable position, I began to explain how the Loch Ness monster and Bigfoot were also real. We all know that unicorns were once wild in the parries. And who would deny the existence of Leprechauns?
After that, Anna and her mom didn’t know what to believe. So when we saw petrified wood, they were unsure what to think. I have always taken it for granted. But to them, the idea that wood could be turned into stone was unheard of.
No trip to Mesa during Christmas is complete without a visit to the Mesa Temple for the lights. Since Anna is a recent convert, we can’t get married in the temple yet. So, we went to see it anyway. It was not the best year as far as lights go. But it was nice as it always is.
Despite all of the tourism, we have been trying to get ready for the wedding as well. The rings have been purchased, the cake has been made, (contraceptives have been acquired), and my dad even made sure the dress was ready.
There are a number of explanations for this picture. None of which truly satisfy the curious mind.
One story is that Lacey (in the background) walked in on dad in the whole dress singing along with the classic song from A West Side Story, “I Feel Pretty.”
Rob’s theory is that since Dad is normally seen wearing dresses on Friday nights, it’s no surprise.
Aaron thinks that he must have been bitten by a snake in the rear and he is removing his dress so that Lacey can suck the poison out. She looks eager to help if that theory is true.
My recollection is that dad is seen there showing me how and giving me pointers on proper dress removal - post-wedding.
Dad claims he was just checking to see the quality of material.
Either way, Anna claims that he stretched it out some. Go figure. Anna is a size 0. Dad…not so much.
Scandals aside, we are all ready to get married. It’s the night before! Yikes! Can you believe that in less than 24 hours I’ll be a married man? Me neither. It’s like some sort of dream or fantasy…like dinosaurs.
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